Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/371

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Locally we have a series of items in continuation of those presented for 1834. These show that six additional missions were secularized this year, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, San Antonio, Soledad, San Juan Bautista, and San Francisco Solano. No change had yet been made so far as the records show at San Buenaventura, Santa Inés, San Miguel, Santa Clara, and San José. Thus in sixteen missions the friars had been deprived of the temporal management; comisionados had at first taken charge, and at several of the establishments had completed their labors; inventories of all mission property had been made; a portion of the lands and other property had been distributed to the neophytes; the padres had become temporarily curates; and majordomos, often unofficially called administrators, had succeeded the comisionados, or were managing the estates under their supervision. Figueroa's provisional reglamento was practically in force, though the author was dead, and, so far as can be determined from meagre records, the result at many missions was not unsatisfactory.[1] It is unfortunate that we may know

    managed by majordomos. Vallejo, Doc., MS., iii. 43. Dec. 27th, F. says that the sum of $500 for church expenses is excessive; and orders that payment be made only for what is actually needed. St. Pap., Miss., MS., ix. 10.

  1. At S. Diego Joaquin Ortega became majordomo in April. St. Pap., Miss., vi. 38-9. There is no record of any com. having served since 1833. In Nov. the Ind. pueblo of San Pascual was in existence with 34 families. Document in Hayes' Mission Book, i. 230; Id., Emig. Notes, 497. No record of S. Dieguito. At S. Luis Rey Portilla as com. had troubles of a not important nature with Ortega of S. Diego, and with the padre, who was not pleased with the rooms assigned him. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 3-7; St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 340-1. Early in the summer he transferred the charge of the property to Pio Pico, as majordomo, against whom in Nov. the Ind. made loud complaints. Hayes' Mission Book, i. 229; Julio César, Cosas de Indios, MS., 4-5. Inventory of August, assets, $203,737; debts, $9,300. St. Pap., Miss., MS., vi. 10-11. An inventory of S. Juan Capistrano makes the assets $54,436; debts $1,420. Id., v. 48-9. At Gabriel there is no record of the appointment of a majordomo, Gutierrez being still in charge in Jan. Dept. St. Pap., Ang., MS., ii. 3. Antonio del Valle became majordomo of S. Fernando on June 1st; and to him the Ind. complained of P. Ibarra's removal of money and goods. St. Pap., Miss., MS., ix. 8; xi. 3. In Id., xi. 3-4, is a record that Cárlos Carrillo was sent to secularize S. Fernando, but the Ind. refused to recognize him. This is unintelligible, unless the name should be S. Buenaventura. For Sta Bárbara there are several inventories for the year; and in May José María García took charge as maj. Id., ix. 24-5. At Purí-