Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/387

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suggestions of needed reforms. In October 1833 Bandini introduced in congress a proposition to open San Diego and San Francisco to foreign trade, making Monterey, Santa Bárbara, and San Pedro minor ports for coasting trade in national vessels; but he was unable to carry the point, and Monterey still re-

    order was that they might be taken to the extent of 40 per cent if the balance was in money. Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., vii. 1-2. Feb. 5th, heavy tonnage dues have driven away the whalers to the Sandwich Islands, greatly to the injury of Cal. The rate should be reduced to 1 real per ton. Id., Ben. Cust.-H., ii. 8. Feb. 16th, allow no discharge of cargo without a certificate from Monterey. Let no ships enter mission harbors. Id., ii. 17. March 4th, foreign vessels mock the laws. Having paid a small duty, they manage to make several trips. Id., ii. 9. May 7th, S. Francisco and Sta Bárbara are the hot-beds of smuggling. Additional guards required. Id., ii. 13-14. May 31st, introduction of prohibited goods still continued. Any attempts of the revenue officers to enforce the laws meet with a storm of popular discontent and threats. National vessels afford no relief, selling at high prices and avoiding payment of duties on the claim of having paid in Mexico. Id., ii. 14-15. June 5th, gov. not in favor of export duties. Id., ii. 23-4. July 27th, sub-comisario favors granting permit to a Russian vessel to get salt and to salt meat without paying tonnage. Id., ii. 19-20. Sept. 19th, a full list of vessels with details must be sent to Mex. by each mail. Id., Mont., vii. 2-3. Oct. 15th, Bandini's proposition in congress. St. Pap., Sac., MS., xviii. 54. Oct. 22d, seizure of $3,711 in gold-dust at S. Diego, from Guaymas. Dept. St. Pap, Ben. Mil., MS., lxxix. 38-9. Oct. 24th, decree of congress. Foreign goods brought in Mex. vessels will enjoy a discount of 20 per cent in duties. Id., Mont., vii. 3-4. Nov. 2d, order respecting manifests. Arrillaga, Recop., 1833, p. 134-9; Pinto, Doc., MS., i. 61-2; Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., vii. 4-5. Nov. 18th, all trade with gentiles forbidden; and all traders in such cases to be treated as smugglers. Id., ii. 28; Id., Ben. Mil., lxxix. 16; Sta Cruz, Arch., MS., 96. Nov. 18th, order from Mex. that whalers pay $10.50 each for the building of piers. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., ii. 28. Dec. 27th, govt orders to be received in part payment of duties. Id., Com. and Treas., iii. 20. Aug. 21, 1834, administrator of customs to the receptor at S. F. He must go on board of any foreign vessel arriving and demand a certificate that duties have been paid at Monterey. If she has no certificate, no part of her cargo can be landed and no trade allowed; but she must proceed to Monterey. A Mexican vessel with national goods may discharge all her cargo and trade on paying duties or giving bonds for such payment; but if from a foreign port or laden with foreign goods she must proceed to Monterey like a foreign vessel. Lighters and boats from Ross or Bodega need not be sent to Monterey; but may trade by submitting to inspection and appraisal and paying duties. Any attempt to abuse this privilege to be punished with confiscation. Pinto, Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., i. 115-19; Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., ii. 1-3. Foreigners seem to have paid $5 per month for use of shanties and salting-places at S. Diego. Id., Pref. y Juzg., vi. 69. Aug. 6th, Figueroa's decree on duties imposed for municipal revenues. Dwinelle's Colon. Hist. S. F'co, add., 29-30; S. Diego, Arch., MS., 54. March 15, 1835, 2 per cent 'derecho de circulacion' paid on money sent from Cal. to S. Blas. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 3. July, Aug., no sailor from a Mex. vessel shall be allowed to land in Cal. without special cause. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 47-8; St. Pap., Miss., MS., xiv. 43. Sept. 5th, Mex. custom-house regulations. Arrillaga, Recop., 1835, p. 452-5. Bandini's report on the administration of revenues in 1824-35, dated May 1835. Bandini, Informacion del Visitador de Aduanas, 1835, MS.