Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/389

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wiser to save something from the general wreck for himself than for Bandini. He accordingly declined to permit any interference in his office until orders to that effect should come from his superior officer, the director de rentas in Mexico. In vain did Don Juan entreat and argue and protest; Don Angel had the advantage, being doubtless supported by Figueroa. He declined to yield or to enter into any controversy, and reported the state of affairs to his superior. He also ordered subordinate officials at other ports not to submit to Bandini's interference, though the latter had things very much his own way for a time at San Diego, which he persisted in regarding as the open port of California.[1]

Whether Ramirez ever received any order from the director does not appear. Bandini afterward declared that such an order was received and disregarded. However this may have been, Don Angel soon found a more effective weapon against his opponent, in an accusation of smuggling. Bandini had brought from Acapulco on the Natalia, of which he was the supercargo, various effects, exceeding $2,000 in value, for his own use and for sale on his own account. These goods were landed at San Diego free of duties, on the assurance of the visitador that all was en régle, except a small quantity lost in the wreck at Monterey.

  1. Sept. 13, 1834, Figueroa congratulates Bandini on his appointment. Bandini, Doc., MS., 38. Dec. 7, 1834, B. to Ramirez, with his appointment of March 17th. B.'s salary was to be $3,000, and he had received $1,000 in advance. Reply of R. same date. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., vii. 1-4; additional correspondence between the two at Monterey, Dec. 9th-11th. Id., vii. 4-5, 7-8; S. Diego, Arch., MS., 25-6. Dec. 12th, R. to dir. gen., enclosing correspondence with B. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS., iii. 6-8. Dec. 13th, B. to the sup. govt. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 27. March 16-17, May 6, 1835. R. to receptores of S. Diego, S. Pedro, and S. F., with orders that no interference by B. be permitted. Pinto, Doc., MS., i. 141-2, 147; Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., vii. 14-15. April 5th, R. to dir. gen., accusing B. of a well understood plan to use his appointment as visitador for the making of a fortune at the expense of the treasury; he explains the steps he has taken, his determination not to recognize B.'s authority without special orders, and also alludes to complaints of smuggling to be investigated. Id., Ben. Com. and Treas., iii. 8-10. May 5th, B. to min. of hacienda, a full report on administration of customs in past and present. Bandini, Informacion, MS.