Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/395

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the office in January; and in May, Estrada resigning, Gonzalez became also sub-comisario ad interim. He held the former position until succeeded by Angel Ramirez in July 1834, and the latter until October of that year, when our old friend José María Herrera returned from Mexico with the colony to resume his former position.[1] Bandini came back as visitador de aduanas in 1834; but his troubles in that connection have been already noticed.

From 1833 a few subordinate revenue officers were appointed, not only for Monterey, but for the other ports. Pedro del Castillo was made receptor at San Francisco. Santiago E. Argüello held the same position at San Diego until October 1834, when he was succeeded by Martin S. Cabello, who came with an appointment from Mexico. José María Maldonado had charge of the customs at Santa Bárbara until July 1835, and later Benito Diaz. Antonio María Osio was receptor at Los Angeles, having jurisdiction over San Pedro, and having also to watch over the inland trade with Sonora. At the capital four sub-

  1. Gonzalez appointed Aug. 6, 1832. Salary, $1,000. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS., ii. 24. Took possession Jan. 14 (?). Id., Cust.-H., ii. 5-6; S. José, Arch., MS., ii. 53. Becomes comisario May 14, 1833. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., ii. 16-17. Osio, Hist. Cal., MS., 357-9, ridicules Gonzalez, alias 'Pintito,' as a very stupid fellow, appointed by favor of Director-gen. Pavon. He once pompously objected to the large quantity of idem imported according to the invoices. Also noted by Robinson, Life in Cal., 140. Angel Raminez appointed admin. Sept. 12, 1833. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS., ii. 58. Took possession July 1, 1834. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 211; Id., Ben. Cust.-H., ii. 1. Furnishes bonds in $2,000 (or $4,000) June 23, 1835. Id., iii. 80, 86; but is also said to have been in possession in May. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 152; Id., Ben. Mil., lxxviii. 24; Leg. Rec., MS., ii. 2-3. Herrera's appointment Jan. 12, 1833, or Dec. 24, 1832. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS., ii. 66; Id., Ben. Mil., lxxix. 51, 81. Receives the office from Gonzalez Oct. 7th or 11th. Id., iii. 46; Id., Ben. Mil., lxxviii.; St. Pap., Sac., MS., xii. 14; or as Figueroa says on Oct. 1st. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 211. Feb. 1, 1833, Admin. Gonzalez complains of lack of a suitable pier and buildings, boats, furniture, scales, etc., for want of which two thirds of the revenue is lost; also of calumnies against himself as against all who came from Mexico. He recommends 9 employees at Monterey, and a receptor at each of the other ports. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Cust.-H., MS., ii. 6-7, 12. July 1, 1834, Admin. Raminez to dir. gen., explaining difficulties and recommending additional officers. Id., Com. and Treas., iii. 2-4. Dec. 6, 1834, Figueroa to the sec. de estado on the past succession of officials and their failure to leave any records. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 209-11.