Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/40

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in the Jesuit missions of old California, and in those founded later in new California by the Fernandinos. It knows the consideration and the praise which these establishments have merited, not only from Spaniards, but from enlightened foreigners; and it has given due weight to all the reasons ordinarily urged in defence of the system to show it to be not only just and convenient, but absolutely necessary. Still the junta has not been able to reconcile the principles of such a system with those of our independence and political constitution, nor with the true spirit of the gospel. Religion under that system could not advance beyond domination. It could be promoted only under the protection of escoltas and presidios. The gentiles must renounce all the rights of their natural independence to be catechumens from the moment of baptism; they must be subjected to laws almost monastic, while their apostles deemed themselves freed from the laws which forbade their engaging in temporal business; and the neophytes must continue thus without hope of ever possessing fully the civil rights of society. The junta has not been able to persuade itself that this system is the only one fitted to arouse among the gentiles a desire for civil and social life, or to teach its first rudiments, much less to carry it to perfection. It believes rather that it is positively contrary to the political aims in accordance with which it should have been arranged, and still more to the true spiritual aim which should be kept in view." "The present condition the missions does not correspond to the great progress which they made in the beginning. This decadence is very noticeable in Lower California, and would suffice to prove that the system needs change and reform," especially in respect of the temporal management by the friars. The plan by which the junta proposed to effect the needed reforms I append substantially in a note.[1] It shows,

  1. 'La Junta en suma reduce su dictámen para el arreglo de las misiones de Californias á las proposiciones siguientes:' 1. Conversions among gentiles