Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/442

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once to the capital for a conference.[1] On the 11th Chico had issued another printed proclamation, or bando, this time on commercial topics, prohibiting the retail trade on board of foreign vessels which had so long been practised on this coast, requiring a landing of all cargoes at Monterey, and imposing other restrictions more in accordance with Mexican laws than with Californian usages.[2] On the 16th he had issued an order that Abel Stearns must come to Monterey or leave the country;[3] and finally he delivered on the 27th an address at the opening of the sessions of the diputacion — a document also circulated in print.

In his discourse Chico spoke first of the general difficulties that had beset his path, and which he had hitherto been obliged to meet alone without the wise counsels of the vocales now fortunately assembled. Next he referred at considerable length to the troubles at Los Angeles, but his views on this topic will be noticed later. Thirdly he noticed the measure of May 11th on the regulation of commerce, expressing his belief that if not perfect it could not fail to prevent many existing abuses. The constant ravages of thieves among the herds of horses and cattle were alluded to as one of California's greatest evils, which, however, he had taken steps to check by the aid of the newly arrived law of December 29th, which brought such malefactors within the ordinary military jurisdiction. Fifthly and chiefly, the subject of missions received attention; and in this respect the situation seemed to the governor most critical. He declared himself at a loss, and in his perplexity "awaited the counsel of your excellency to lead the government like Ariadne's thread from so strange a labyrinth." What with an imperfect system of secularization partially carried

  1. San Diego, Arch., MS., 104. The order reached Bandini June 8th or 10th.
  2. May 11, 1836, Chico to the people. Earliest Printing. Also May 11th, he issued an order for the formation of local cuerpos de seguridad y policía. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 106.
  3. Dept. St. Pap., Angeles, MS., xi. 52.