Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/506

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of the opposition to Alvarado, also wrote some letters which indicate that he had plans of his own, though they do not make quite clear the purport of his schemes. The 25th of November he sent to Antonio del Valle a copy of the Los Angeles plan of that date, with a letter, to be shown also to the Carrillos, in which he says: "Although the plan touches some points that we have not spoken of, I think they" — that is, the Carrillos and Osio's friends — "will agree to what I propose, according to our scheme, the difference being very slight. It is necessary to choose rulers, and we shall play very badly the instrument in our hands if we cannot make Vallejo comandante general. If the political command is separated — which is not expedient in such cases — we can give it to my uncle Don Cárlos (Carrillo], who is well known here and en la otra banda, not a bad choice perhaps, whether he wishes it or not. Our friend Don Juan Rocha agrees to meddle in nothing, but merely to keep order with his soldiers. I have told Don Juan Bandini he had better go home and keep quiet, since in this fandango only Californians will be allowed to dance. This did not please him, but it is best that he keep quiet, though a friend. I will do all in my power to fulfil my promises. I have already spoken with some friends, who are ready to follow me. The comisionados from Monterey will be sent by the alcalde out of this jurisdiction. Rocha will not admit them at San Gabriel, and if they go to San Diego the Apostle Andrés [Pico] will send them about their business."[1]

Next day Osio addressed Vallejo himself in a letter which throws but little light on the preceding. He had been stunned with surprise and sorrow, he wrote, at hearing what had happened at Monterey. He was sure Vallejo had nothing to do with the plan, but that Castro and Alvarado had used his name without per-

  1. Osio, Carta sobre Combinaciones políticas, 25 de Nov. 1836, MS. Osio in his history says nothing of these plans, which I do not pretend to understand fully.