Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/535

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May 21st, Bandini and his associates, with a part of their armed force, came to San Diego and openly proclaimed their purposes. Zamorano, styling himself comandante general and governor ad interim, addressed the ayuntamiento, enclosing the plan which the soldiers and citizens had already approved, and asked that body to coöperate for the 'national decorum,' which of course it did at once. Bandini and S. E. Argüello were named as comisionados to present the plan at Angeles, carrying also a letter from Zamorano, similar to that already mentioned.[1] The plan of this pronouncement contained, as a matter of course, since Bandini was concerned in its production, more words and more articles than any that had preceded it. I append some particulars in a note;[2] but the general

  1. May 21, 1837, Zamorano to ayunt. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 178; Dept. St. Pap., Angeles, MS., xi. 83-5. There is no formal record of the session at S. Diego. Janssens says that he and J. M. Alvarado were also members of the commission. Zamorano must have assumed the command by consent of Portilla, who was his senior.
  2. Plan de San Diego que proclamaron Zamorano, Bandini, y otros en 21 de Mayo 1837, MS. Art. 1. Alta California is restored to order and obedience to the sup. govt under the system adopted by decree of Oct. 23, 1835. 2. The civil and military command is to be vested in the officer of senior rank as per superior order of Jan. 21, 1835. 3. The dip. having taken an active part in the revolution of the north, its authority is ignored until the campaign be over, order restored, and new elections held. 4. All acts of the dip. since Nov. 7, 1836, declared null and void. Such of its resolutions as have proved beneficial may be sanctioned by the new dip. later. 5. The person alluded to in art. 2 will take the oath before the ayunt. of Los Angeles, capital of the territory. 6. Volunteer forces supporting the sup. govt are to be disbanded by the comandante when peace is restored. 7. The gefe will recommend to the sup. govt as highly meritorious the services of soldiers and volunteers who may aid in re-organizing the territory. 8. The leaders of the rebels of Nov. 7th, and officers commissioned by the sup. govt, who may present themselves, acknowledging their error, and asking clemency, will be favorably recommended to the sup. govt, to which authority those not doing so will be given up for judgment. 9. Troops from sergeant down, on presenting themselves, will be re-admitted to the service, the act being credited to them as a merit. 10. All the forces organized as civic militia by the northern rebels are hereby dissolved. 11. Persons of the latter class, on presenting themselves, may retire to their homes, or serve as volunteers for the sup. govt. 12. Loans made in favor of the just cause will be reimbursed from the public treasury, 13. The new dip. is to make a respectful representation through the gefe político to the sup. govt of the strong desire of the people of Cal. for a separation of the civil and military commands. 14. Until the new dip. is installed, there is to be a junta of 5 members appointed by the gefe as counsellors in cases of difficulty. 15. This junta will be presided over by one of its members, the pres. being changed each month. 16. The junta's duties: to resolve doubts of the gefe; to have charge of the public funds; and to appoint a treasurer. 17. The treasurer to be paid a salary fixed by the gefe.