Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/55

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the night of the 13th, and sessions were held at short intervals until the 20th of September. The subjects considered were mainly those connected with commerce and finance, and especially with Herrera's administration of the revenues. Reserving those topics for other chapters, I append in a note an abstract of the legislative proceedings.[1]

  1. June 14th, oath of office taken by diputados before Echeandía, and Martinez chosen temporarily as secretary. June 16th, Comisario Herrera took the oath. A reglamento for the dip. was begun and completed at the next session of June 19th. Details of routine rules for business need not be given; suffice it to say that these rules were somewhat carefully prepared. There were to be two regular sessions of 3 hours each week, each including a secret meeting. The members were to be divided by the president into 3 sections or committees: 1st, on missions and finance, 3 persons; 2d, on police regulations, 2 persons; 3d, on education, agriculture, industry, and govt of the dip., 2 persons. The committees named were: 1st, Ortega, Bandini, and Martinez; 2d, Estrada and Tapia; 3d, Carrillo and Buelna. June 23d, Estrada's prop. that vessels be allowed provisionally to touch at the minor landing-places with the governor's consent, approved and referred to committee. Bandini introduced a manifiesto urging certain changes and reductions in duties; that the supreme government be asked for teachers for a college or academy; and that Los Angeles be declared provisionally the capital of the territory, with the title of city. June 26th, tax on wine and brandy regulated according to report of committee on finance. In afternoon Alvarado elected secretary, Martinez resigning. June 28th, sec. sworn in. Additional regulations of the liquor traffic. June 30th, July 2d, liquor traffic continued. Martinez allowed to join his company in S. Francisco. July 7th, liquor regulations concluded. Bandini's proposition to make Los Angeles the capital taken up, but no action. Gov. proposed a change in the name of the territory. See text. July 13th, Echeandía's proposition discussed and approved, subject to decision of supreme government. Ortega not allowed to retire until Bandini should come. Contador appointed. July 16th, petition from padres that vessels be allowed to touch at the landings of Sta Inéz and Purísima. No power to act. July 17th, 18th, 20th, Sept. 19th-20th, action on revenue matters, involving the investiation of charges against Herrera, and resulting measures directed against him. See chap. iii. Pacheco as vocal suplente sworn in on July 20th. July 24th, long discussion on Bandini's commercial propositions, in which Comisario Herrera took part. See chap. iii. Contador Gonzalez takes oath of office. Bandini and Tapia granted leave of absence; Suplentes Estudillo and Alviso summoned. July st, Aug. 4th, 9th, 11th, 17th, Sept. 12th, regulations respecting live-stock and branches of commerce and police therewith connected. Alviso sworn in Aug. 4th. Aug. 17th, Echcandía reports having ordered the prefect to establish a school in each mission. Sept. 1st, ayuntamiento called in and 5 new members elected provisionally. See note 9. Sept. 11th, report received of removal of a local officer at Los Angeles. The next session regularly recorded, after Sept. 20th, was on July 10, 1830. Leg. Rec., MS., i. 47-104. Incidental mention, Arch. Arzob., MS., v. pt. i. 34; St. Pap., Sac., MS., xix. 39; Dept Rec., MS., v. 50, 126. June 220, Echeandía to minister of relations asks if the sub-comisario should attend as intendente, and if he and the writer should have a vote. Alvarado, Hist. Cal., MS., ii. 118-21, represents Echeandía as having opened the sessions with a long discourse, in which he explained the situation of the territory, the policy of Mexico, and all that he had done since his arrival, This writer states that all the acts of the diputacion in 1827-9 were really the work of Echeandía. Duhaut-Cilly,