Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/598

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At the same time arrived Lieutenant-colonel Castro with his four or five Carlist prisoners from San Diego. Cárlos Carrillo was allowed the freedom of the town under parole by Alvarado. The others were soon turned over to Vallejo, who sent them on board of vessels then lying at anchor in the roadstead, with orders to the captains that no communication was to be allowed with persons on shore. José Antonio Carrillo was confined alone on the Leonidas; the rest, the Picos, Covarrubias, and José Carrillo,[1] were committed to the care of Robbins on the schooner California. Vallejo relates that the penalty included a short trip out to sea in order that true repentance might be developed by the terrors of sea-sickness — not a bad idea, but perhaps an afterthought of later years.[2] The California's prisoners were kept on board four days, and released January 19th — from their floating dungeon at least.[3] Don José Antonio seems not to have recovered his freedom until somewhat later, having aroused Vallejo's wrath by stating that his solitary confinement had been from fear that he would implicate the general himself in his plots against the government.[4]

On the 19th Cárlos Carrillo, being released from his parole, probably at the same time the other pris-

    tion as gov. Id., v. 2; St. Pap., Miss. and Colon., MS., ii. 389. Jan. 2d, A. in turn congratulates V. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 160.

  1. It is not quite clear whether the last two had been arrested with the rest at S. Diego or subsequently.
  2. Vallejo, Hist. Cal., MS., iii. 392-400; Alvarado, Hist. Cal., MS., iv. 50-4, 117-19. Pico, Hist. Cal., MS., 71-6, says they spent a few days on the vessels, and were then released. Feb. 5th, Don Pio wrote from S. Luis Rey that he had rejoined his family. He had been ill, but was urged homeward by a desire to make known his liberty and the end of all political differences. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 244.
  3. Jan. 15th, Vallejo's orders to captains of the two vessels to receive the prisoners on board. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 13-14. Jan. 19th, order to place the California's prisoners at Castro's disposal. Id., vi. 15.
  4. Jan. 23d, v. to Capt. Castañeda. Orders an investigation of the charges against Carrillo. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 19-20. The result does not appear. It is possible that Don José Antonio was released on the 19th like the rest, or that all were kept under arrest for some days after leaving the vessels. Three men of bad character were sent out of the country at this time on the Leonidas. These were Pedro and Pablo Saenz and Máximo Guerra. Jan. 24th, V. to captain of the Leonidas. Id., vi. 22.