Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/602

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Alvarado had in the mean time convoked the diputacion to assemble at the capital. He issued an election proclamation for the formation in March of a new junta departamental, and returned to Monterey at the end of January, being accorded the enthusiastic ceremonies of a public reception, with the usual salutes, speeches, races, feasting, and dancing.[1]

The diputacion, its composition being unchanged since 1837, met at Monterey the 25th of February. Vocal Pico was absent during the sessions, and Osio served as secretary. After delivering a short address upon the recent measures adopted in Mexico for the benefit of California, Alvarado declared the body legally installed as a junta departamental. The sessions continued until March 7th, and action was taken upon three subjects. First, the approaching elections for members of the junta and a deputy to congress were declared legal, despite the non-attendance of electors from Baja California, if a majority of all the electors were present. Second, Alvarado's proposition to divide the department into districts, to be noticed presently, was approved. And finally a terna of three names was made out from which a permanent governor was to be selected by the supreme government. The names in order of preference were Juan B. Alvarado, José Castro, and Pio Pico.[2]

    St. Pap., MS., xv. 8-9. Complaints of Sergt Petronilo Rios in command of artillery at Monterey about trouble in getting funds and supplies from the sub-comisario. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 269, 334-5, 465. March 13th, Prefect Castro orders from S. Juan the formation of a company of auxiliaries to protect the district from Indians. Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., i. 392. March 14th, V. to min. of war. Appeal for chaplains. Vallejo, Doc., Hist. Cal., MS., vi. 228. March 31st, J. A. Pico ordered to Sonoma from S. Diego, and wants 2 men for an escort. Hayes' Miss. Book, i. 328. No comandante, nor munitions, so far as known to Judge Osuna, at S. Diego. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 221. April 25th, V. says the order to retain the auxiliary troops in service will entitle Alvarado to the military fuero. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 437. April 26th, Capt. Guerra wants $12,000 of back pay. Id., vi. 487.

  1. Jan. 17th, call for election. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 214; Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxii. 174; Estudillo, Doc., MS., i. 249. The order convoking the members of the old dip. is not extant. Jan. 29th, A. sails for Monterey. Sta Bárbara, Lib. Mision, MS., 47. Reception mentioned in Alvarado, Hist. Cal., MS., iv. 124-5.
  2. Leg. Rec., MS., iii. 30-6, 47-8. The members present were Alvarado,