Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/608

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Monterey as a junta electoral. The result of their labors was that on the 2d Andrés Castillero was elected as congressman, with Antonio M. Osio as substitute; and on the 3d seven members of the new junta departamental to meet on the 1st of August, were chosen as follows: Manuel Jimeno, Tiburcio Castro, Anastasio Carrillo, Rafael Gonzalez, Pio Pico, Santiago Argüello, and Manuel Requena.[1] May 13th and 14th the old junta, or four of its members, held meetings to ratify the late election, and to empower the new congressman to receive from the supreme government the product of the pious-fund estates for the payment of public expenses.[2] Two or three days later Don Andrés sailed on the California to occupy his new post. It is as well to state here that though the newly elected junta was convoked for August 1st, no meeting was held at that time nor in this year at all. The vocales would not present themselves, and the substitutes could not be summoned until the junta had approved the excuses of the regular members![3]

Vallejo in the mean time did not cease to urge military reorganization, especially with a view to secure the northern frontier from foreign aggression. On May 10th in one of several letters to the minister of

  1. Records of this election and of the local elections of March, in Leg. Rec., MS., iii. 36-43. The partido electors were Osio and Santiago Estrada for Monterey, Felipe Lugo and Joaquin Ortega for Angeles, Covarrubias for Sta Bárbara, José Fernandez for S. José, and Francisco Guerrero for S. F. The substitute vocales chosen were José Castro, J. R. Estrada, Ignacio del Valle, Cárlos Castro, Ignacio Martinez, J. J. Vallejo, and A. M. Pico. Order for the election issued Jan. 17th. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 214; Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxii. 174; Estudillo, Doc., MS., i. 249. Further records of local elections. Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., i. 397; Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 250. May 5th, Alvarado proclaims the election of Castillero and Osio. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 245.
  2. Leg. Rec., MS., iii. 43-4. May 16th, Alvarado to sup. govt. Sup. Govt St. Pap., MS., xv. 9. Aug. 7th, Castillero not successful in obtaining the pious fund. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 131; Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxii. 196, 282. Castillero expected to sail from Sta Bárbara May 13th. Id., vii. 64. The vessel left S. Diego on June 7th.
  3. Aug. 1st, junta convoked for this date. Pico, Doc., MS., ii. 163; Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 276. Aug. 12th, Castro to alcaldes. No quorum obtained. Sta Cruz, Arch., MS., 40; Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., iv. 82-3. Aug. 14th, election approved in Mexico. Dept. St. Pap., Angeles, MS., x. 28.