Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/610

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in the extreme north, the 'clique at the capital' was charged with spending the public moneys almost exclusively for the benefit of local interests and personal friends.[1]

In June the war between Mexico and France took a large share of attention from the authorities, both military and civil. As the war had ended three months before, the real danger of an attack on Californian coasts was not great; however, as tidings of peace had not yet reached the north, an opportunity was afforded for a brilliant display of national patriotism in preparing to repel the possible attacks of French corsairs. The resulting complication of military orders, interwoven with complaints respecting defective fortifications and other means of defence, was very nearly a reduplication of similar alarms in the old Spanish times. The only result was that expenses were considerably increased during the month, and that a little work was done on one or two forts. French residents were not molested, though closely watched, if orders were obeyed; on the last day of the month the news of peace was circulated.[2]

  1. May 25th, Vallejo to Guerra at Sta B. Explains the distribution of $10,000 received for the army as its share of the California's duties, $25,000; S. Francisco co., with 60 men, got $2,000; Monterey, 30 men, $1,500; Sta Bárbara, 15 men, $1,000; S. Diego, $500; staff and unattached officers, $1,000; war material paid for, $1,300; chest of medicine, $250; Sta B. artillery, $200; capt. of port and other officers at S. F., $350; Alf. Ignacio del Valle, $100; the rest for relief of old inválidos in small sums. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vii. 140. July 5th, com. of Sta B. to V., complaining of neglect from the Monterey authorities. Id., vii. 310. Complaints from S. Luis Rey. Id., vii. 313-14. July 10th, V. to Alvarado. Complains that the comisario refuses to obey his requisitions. Id., vii. 70. Orders payment of $1,000 each to Sta B. and S. Diego, and offers to lend $10,000 to the treasury. Id., vi. 144, 146-7; vii. 358. $1,400 in goods and $100 in money paid to Monterey co. from Feb. to July. Id., vii. 388. July 22d, Comisario Ábrego expects to pay one fourth of dues for past month. Id., vii. 406. Aug. 6th, only one soldier at S. Diego. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 234. Aug. 7th, not a cent's worth of anything received for the artillery this year. Vallejo, Doc., MS., viii. 22, 17. Sept. 3d, men at S. Luis Rey – S. Diego co. – left the service against orders to earn a living by their work. Id., viii. 69-70. Sept. 8th, Capt. S. Vallejo complains that the S. Francisco co. is neglected by the comisario. Id., viii. 86. Sept. 11th, Vallejo to Lieut J. M. Ramirez. Cannot relieve his wants, having no resources. Id., viii. 133, 137. Oct. 27th, Ábrego says Capt. Castañeda and the habilitado of S. F. refused $4,000 proffered, because the amount included 1,000 hides at $1.50. Id., viii. 233. Nov. 3d, northern troops to have $2,500 from the first duties. Id., viii. 252.
  2. Over 40 communications on this alarm. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 221, 229-