Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/613

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man was wounded by the premature discharge of a cannon, and at night the city was illuminated. Alvarado was, however, ill again, and did not take the oath and formally assume the governorship till November 24th, the transfer being announced next day by himself and Jimeno.[1]

Now that the governor and comandante militar were secure in the possession of their respective positions, a serious misunderstanding had developed between the two, resulting in a quarrel which lasted as long as their control of public affairs, and in a suspension of that control a few years later. The causes were somewhat complicated. It will be remembered that in November 1836 Vallejo, though his opinions were substantially in accord with those of Alvarado and Castro, had declined to engage actively in the revolulution against Gutierrez, but had, without his own knowledge or consent, been made military commander, a position he was very willing to accept after the first success had been achieved at Monterey. His coöperation was absolutely necessary to the revolutionists, and the position of general was a reward very flattering to the young lieutenant. His subsequent support of the cause was most cordial and effective, and was fully appreciated by his associates. Without his aid Alvarado's project must have failed, and this aid was none the less, but rather more, effective that Vallejo remained in the north instead of personally taking part in the southern campaigns. While disapprov-

  1. Sept. 20th, Jimeno to prefect and Vallejo with several doc. from Mexico. Dept. St. Pap., Mont., MS., iv. 16-17; Vallejo, Doc., MS., viii. 160-3. Sept. 21st, John Temple to Larkin, hopes the news of Alvarado's appointment will prove true. Larkin's Doc., MS., i. 24. Sept. 22d-23d, further circulation of the appointment by Jimeno through prefects. S. Diego, Arch., MS., 238, 241; Vallejo, Doc., MS. viii. 167, 161; Sta Cruz, Arch., MS., 56. Sept. 30th, congratulations of P. Duran. Arch., Arzob., MS., v. pt ii. 25-6. Oct. 5th-9th, receipt of the news at Angeles. Dolores Sepúlveda was the man wounded. Los Angeles, Arch., MS., v. 96-7; Dept. St. Pap., Angeles, MS., v. 87-9; Id., Ben. Pref. y Juzg., v. 21. Nov. 12th, Vallejo has learned with pleasure the appointment and will give it due publicity. Vallejo, Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., viii. 273. Nov. 24th, A. takes the oath and the office as announced on the 25th. Id., viii. 313, 315; Dept. St. Pap., MS., xii. 18; Id., Mont., iv. 18.