Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/62

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chose the diputacion whose acts I have just recorded assembled in obedience to a proclamation issued by Echeandía on July 30, 1828, which not only ordered an election, but prescribed in detail the methods to be followed.[1] The primary object was to elect a mem-

  1. Echeandía, Bando sobre Elecciones, 1828, MS. This document was in substance as follows: 1-2. Elections to be primary, or municipal; secondary, or of the partido; and tertiary, or territorial. Must be accompanied by public prayers. 3-6. Primary juntas shall include all citizens over 18 years of age resident in the partidos. Sentenced criminals, men morally or physically incapable, vagabonds, and domestic servants were not voters. 7-9. Primary elections to be held on 3d Sunday in Aug. in plaza of the 4 presidios and 2 pueblos, presided by comandantes and alcaldes, in the morning after mass, a secretary and 2 inspectors being chosen. 10-12. Challenging voters, etc. 13. Municipal electors to be chosen as follows: 8 for S. Francisco; 5 for S. José; 9 for Monterey; 7 for Sta Bárbara; 7 for Los Angeles; and 13 (?) for S. Diego. 14-15. Method of voting. The voter to repeat the names of his candidates, to be written down by the sec. He may have the names on a list, which the secretary must read aloud. 16-17. The president to announce the result. A tie to be decided by lot. Each elector chosen to receive a copy of the acta. 18-22. A candidate must be a citizen, etc.; 25 years old, or 21 if married; able to read and write; holding no office, civil, military, or ecclesiastical. Cannot excuse himself. No weapons at the election. No other business to be done by the junta. 23-5. Secondary juntas, or partido elections, to be held on 1st Sunday in Sept., at same places as the primary; under same presiding officer; composed of the municipal electors before chosen. 26-8. Three days before the election the electors meet and choose a secretary and 2 inspectors. Next day, credentials presented. Next day, report on credentials. 29-32. Election by secret ballot. If no one has a majority, there must be a 2d ballot from the 2 highest candidates, a tie being decided by lot. Three votes at least required for election. 33-5. An elector de partido must have 5 years' residence in the partido in addition to the other qualifications. (See 18-22.) Credentials, a certified copy of the acta, given to the successful candidate, and also sent to the president of the territorial junta. 36-8. Tertiary or territorial junta to consist of the 6 electores de partido, and to meet at S. Diego on 1st Sunday in Oct. being presided by the highest political authority present. 39-41. Preliminary meetings for 3 days, as in secondary elections. 42-6. Election first of a diputado, and then of a suplente. Method as before, except that the meeting must be with open doors, the voting viva voce, and 5 electors at least must take part. 47-52. Qualifications for a diputado to congress: 25 years of age, and two years of citizenship in the state if not born in it; 8 years of citizenship, and an estate of $8,000 or income of $1,000, if not born in Mexican territory. Property qualification not required of those born in Spanish America who have not joined another nation. Certain high officials debarred. 53-6. Method and form of credentials. 57. The day after this election of a congressman, the junta is to renew the territorial dip. by electing the new members required, in the same manner as before. 58. After the election, all officers, electors, and elect shall pass to the church, where shall be sung a solemn te deum of thanksgiving.

    On pr. 125-30, in continuation of the preceding bando, there are partial records of the primary and secondary elections at the different places except S. Francisco. The electors who met at S. Diego were Miguel Gonzalez de Álava, for S. José; José Tiburcio Castro, for Monterey; Francisco Atanasio Cota, for Sta Bárbara; Manuel Dominguez, for Los Angeles; and Agustin V. Zamorano, for S. Diego. Leg. Rec., MS., i. 126; Dept Rec., MS., vi. 107; Actas de Elecciones, MS., 6-7. In the last-named authority, the election of