Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/654

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teresting variety of attitudes in the political controversies growing out of the struggle between north and south, and as a consequence town officials had

    tribunal de vagos acc. to law of March 3, 1828. Aug. 28th, com. gen. sends alcalde 4 men to force the Sonorans and citizens to respect his authority.

    1836. 1st alcalde Manuel Requena, 2d alcalde Tiburcio Tapia; regidores Rafael Guirado, Juan M. Alvarado (3d not named, but probably Bravo), Basilio Valdés, Felipe Lugo, José María Herrera; síndico Abel Stearns to June, Antonio M. Osio from July; sec. Narciso Botello; jueces de campo Ant. I. Ávila, José M. Lugo, Juan Ramirez; encargados (le justicia, or aux. alcaldes, Perez at Sta Gertrudis, Julio Verdugo at S. Rafael, Manuel Dominguez at S. Pedro, José Ant. Yorba at Sta Ana Abajo or S. José (Jesus Félix also at S. José), Teodosio Yorba at Sta Ana, Bernardo Yorba at Cajon de Sta Ana, Mariano R. Roldan at Alamitos. Munic. receipts, $664, expend. $518. Botello as collector and treasurer claimed 8 per cent, but was allowed only three per cent for commission. Jan., ayunt. resolves that troops which had been asked for and arrived, as there was no food for them, should go to S. Gabriel, and the com. gen. should be requested to send troops to be supported on their pay. Gov. orders a plan to be made of lands for fondo legal y ejidos. Also cost of a govt building to be estimated. Feb. 4th, tribunal de vagos established consisting of Requena and the 1st and 2d regidores Guirado and Alvarado. March, the diputacion to occupy two rooms offered by Sanchez and Stearns. May, gov. approves alcalde's proposal to permit certain persons to carry arms. Dec. 13th, appeal of comandante at S. Gabriel, that he has no means of supporting his troops, who wish leave to earn a living for themselves. Ayunt. decides that the admin. of S. Fernando must be asked for aid.

    1837. 1st alcalde Gil Ibarra, 2d alcalde José Sepúlveda; regidores Valdés, Lugo, Herrera, Francisco Pantoja, Bernardino Lopez; síndico Ignacio M Alvarado, sec. Narciso Botelo, aux. alcalde Manuel Duarte at Sta Gertrudis. No record of the others. Munic. receipts $381, expend. $460. Feb., the two permanent committees on police and on lands not yet chosen on account of political convulsions. Sept. 21st, order of gov. received to suspend 1st alcalde, who is to report for trial to the Sta Bárbara alcalde. Ayunt. resolves to petition gov. for a suspension of the order until the accusations against Ibarra can be investigated. Dec. 22d, Gov. Carrillo gives order for election of substitutes for those members of the ayunt. whose resignation has been accepted.

    1838. 1st alcalde Luis Arenas, 2d alcalde José Perez; regidores Ignacio Palomares, Bernardino Lopez, Juan Ballesteros, Antonio Machado, Januario Ávila, José del Cármen Lugo; síndico Vicente de la Ossa, sec. Narciso Botello; jueces de campo José M. Lugo, Agustin Machado, Emigdio Véjar, Máximo Valenzuela; comisarios de policía, or aux. alcaldes, Antonio M. Lugo, Tib. Tapia, Raf. Guirado, Fran. M. Alvarado, id. suplentes Julian Chavez, Cristóbal Aguilar, Isidro Alvarado, Isidro Reyes. The services of the ayunt. were more or less interrupted by the arrest and enforced absence of its members, especially Alcalde Arenas and Sec. Botello. Munic. receipts $837, expend. $834. Aug. Perez and Ballesteros appointed to revise the policía de los campos.

    1839. 1st alcalde Tiburcio Tapia (until May), 2d alcalde Manuel Dominguez; regidores Antonio Machado (acting síndico and acting 1st alcalde after May), Januario Ávila, José del C. Lugo, Fran. M. Alvarado, José Sepúlveda, Juan Crisóstomo Véjar; síndico Vicente Sanchez (elected but not sworn in), sec. Botello, and later Ignacio Coronel. At the election of this ayunt. in Dec. 1838, the law of July 12, 1830, was followed, the new law not having been received. In Nov. the ayunt. was abolished, and the two alcaldes, Dominguez and Machado, were ordered to act as jueces de paz pending the regular appointment. It is notable that on the 1st alcalde becoming prefect it