Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/665

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majordomo, retaining the position, apparently to the satisfaction of all concerned, until 1837, when he was succeeded by Anastasio Carrillo. From the middle of 1838, Captain José M. Villavicencio served as administrator, though often called away by supposed military duties, and leaving the management of the estate to Carrillo, Castillo, and Perez.[1] Hartnell

    in hides, tallow, etc., and $5,000 in coin. Guerra, Doc., MS., vi. 150. Dec., mission furnishes $1,000 for Híjar's colony. St. Pap., Mis., MS., vii. 77-8. 1835, July, inventory apparently incomplete, total value $41,714. The church is 40x6 varas, tile-roofed, board ceiling, brick floor, adobe walls, 3 doors, 7 windows with wooden bars; sacristy, 8 varas sq. with one door and window, worth: $1,650; credits $5,736; buildings, $15,511; 32,000 vines worth $16,000; 1,600 fruit-trees, $2,400; library of 191 vol., $417. Id., vi. 22-3. 1836, amounts paid, $2,226 to Ignacio del Valle, P. Cabot $1,003, P. Duran $1,048, P. Ibarra $500. Id., vii. 68-71. Supplies for troops, $2,159. Id., vi. 74-8. 1837, March, inventory of $153,639. Id., vii. 67. 1838, June, inventory of $156,915; credits $14,293, buildings, $56,785, house utensils, $601, goods in storehouse, $5,214, liquors, etc., $7,175, live-stock, $53,854; S. Francisco rancho, $1,925, grain, $618, tannery, $544, carpenter shop, $127, blacksmith, $789, soap works, $512, mills, $200, tools, $368, tallow works, $2,540, church, $1,500, ornaments, etc., $4,348, library, 50 works, ——; debts, $1,689. Id., viii. 13-14. 1839, June 23, Hartnell's statement of prop- erty on hand 'for distrib. among Ind. or trade'? 8,547 head of live-stock (by another report of this date the live-stock on the different mission ranchos was 3,590 cattle, 2,044 horses, 2,887 sheep, 25 asses, 57 mules, and 47 hogs), 280 hides, 50 arrobas wool, 314 arr. iron and steel, 13 bbls. liquor. Id., vii. 8. Accounts; Sept. income $1,439, expend. $822; Nov., $2,687 and $1,789; Dec. $11,282 and $4,899. Paid to P. Ordaz this year $661. Hide and tallow acct income $48, expend. $290. Stock deliv. to Bandini Nov. 1st, $393. Due the mission Nov. 1st, $271; Dec. 11th, $805; supplies to govt from June 1838 to Dec. 11, 1839, $6,775; supplies to Sta B. company, $516; to others, $247. Mission debts Nov. 30th, $4,344. Id., vii. 8-15. 1840, inventory of property June 19th, 4,130 cattle, 2,637 horses, 2,500 sheep, 60 mules, 33 asses, 30 hogs; Dec. 31st, 2,270 cattle, 60 hogs, all the rest about the same as in June. Grain in June, 236 fanegas; in Dec., 1,157 fanegas, worth $2,295. Hides and leather in June, 124; in Dec., 59, worth $88. Wool, June, 140 arr.; Dec., 15 arr., worth $22. Soap, June, $150; Dec., $190. Brandy and wine in Dec. 58 bbls., $2,360. Tallow and lard, Dec., 81 arr., $119. Oil, 9 bbls., $504. Iron, 180 arr., $(illegible text). Total value in Dec., not including live-stock, land, or buildings, $6,(illegible text). Receipts for 9 months of the year (June-Aug. lacking), $9,874; expend., $11,069. Id., 8-15, 13–14; ix. 19-21.

  1. Chronologic summary of S. Fernando events. 1831. Gov. Victoria here on his march south against the rebels; also the bearing of Echeandía's secularization plan, never put in operation, on this mission. This vol. p. 205, 306. 1832-3. Nothing in the records. 1834. Antonio del Valle as comisionado takes charge of the mission estates by inventory from P. Ibarra in Oct. This vol. p. 346. S. Fernando to be a parish of 2d class with salary of $1,000 under the reglamento of Nov. Id., 348. Slight controversy about the use of the salt fields. Id., 374. 1835. Valle was on May 23th appointed to be majordomo, or administrator, at $800 salary from June 1st. In July, Ind. complain that last year two boxes of money had been shipped away; there was now a box of silver, and they demanded that strict accounts should be required from P. Ibarra before his departure. Id., 353; St. Pap., Mis., MS., xi. 3. Recommendation that a guard be placed at S. Francisco rancho to