Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/678

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secularization the decline was not rapid, there being a gain in horses, a loss of only about 50 per cent in herds and flocks, and a succession of good crops at Santa Paula rancho down to the end of the decade, when there were still about 250 Indians in the community with perhaps as many more scattered in the district.[1] The records of secularization are very slight, but it was not effected until the spring of 1837 by Cárlos Carrillo as comisionado under appointment of the preceding year. Carrillo was called away by his contest for the governorship, and in 1838-40 Rafael Gonzalez was in charge as majordomo and ad

  1. S. Buenaventura statistics of 1831-4. Decrease of pop. 726 to 626. Baptisms, 71; largest no., 21 in 1834; smallest, 12 in 1833. Deaths, 158; greatest no., 51 in 1832; smallest, 30 in 1834. Increase in large stock, 4,860 to 5,140; horses and mules, 360 to 640; decrease in sheep, 3,350 to 2,850. Largest crop, 2,925 bush. in 1834; smallest, 1,525 bush. in 1833; average, 2,352, of which 1,050 wheat, yield 6 fold; 600 barley, 18 fold; 525 corn, 31 fold; 178 beans, 14 fold.

    Statistics of 1835-40. Baptisms, 126; marriages, 50. Feb. 28, 1837, credits $4,475, debts $4,215. St. Pap. Miss., MS., vii. 67. 1838. Income, $10,496, expend. $9,543. Total receipts for cattle, liquors, manufactures, etc., $9,541; support of Ind. $2,316. Credits at end of year $13,925, debts $1,163. Income for Dec. $3,386, expend. $421. Id., viii. 8-12. 1839. Receipts Jan.-March, $6,584, expend. $570. Id. Property in June, 5,587 animals, 180 hides, 409 arr. tallow, 532 fan. grain, $219 soap. Id., vii. 4-5. Hartnell's inventory in July, 2,208 cattle, 1,670 sheep, 799 horses, 35 mules, 15 asses, 65 goats, 320 fan. wheat, 182 fan. corn, 30 fan. pease, 180 hides, 394 arr. tallow, 15 arr. lard, 5 bbls brandy, 13 bbls wine, 168 arr. iron, $219 soap. Debts about $3,000. Pop. 263 in community and 22 with license. Diario, MS., 77-8, 87-8. Acc. to St. Pap., Miss., MS., viii. 1, the pop. was 457, probably including many scattered Ind. in the district. Inventory of Dec. Id., viii. 9. Debts incurred May 1838 to June 1839, $465; credits $1,005. Id., vii. 5. 1840. Receipts Aug. 1839 to July 31, 1840, $6,830; expend., $6,737. Debts Aug. 25th, $4,918. Id., vi. 5-6; Pico, Pap. Mis., 83. Debts Aug. 25th, $7,227. Id., 47-51; Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxxiii. 12. The chief creditors were Concepcion Argüello $1,000, P. Fortuni $1,983, Aguirre $1,843, Scott $779, and Thompson, $447. Inventory in Dec., 5,907 animals, other property about as in June. St. Pap., Miss., MS., vii. 4-5. Receipts Sept. and Nov., $431, $735; expend., $402, $970. Id., ix. 48-52.

    Statistics of 1782-1834, the whole period of the mission's annals. Total of baptisms 3,876, of which 1,896 Ind. adults, 1,909 Ind. children, 4 and 67 de razon; annual average 54. Marriages 1,107, of which 11 gente de razon. Deaths, 3,216, of which 2,015 Ind. adults, 1,158 Ind. children, 22 and 21 de razon. Annual average 61; death rate 7.5 per cent of pop. Largest pop., 1,330 in 1816. Males slightly in excess of females, and children about ⅙ of the pop. Largest no. of cattle, 23,400 in 1816; horses 4,652 in 1814; mules 342 in 1813; asses, 2 each year; sheep, 13,144 in 1816; goats, 488 in 1790; swine, 200 in 1803, 1805; all kinds, 41,395 in 1816. Total product of wheat 148,855 bush., yield 18 fold; barley, 54,904 bush., 19 fold; maize, 51,214 bush., 84 fold; beans, 9,061 bush., 14 fold.