Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/681

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tural operations were always on a moderate scale, with constantly decreasing crops; but in live-stock the mission held its own down to the secularization, and afterward showed a considerable gain. The church property was valued at about $11,000; the inventory of other property was generally about $45,000, and the mission debt was reduced from $6,000 to $2,000; so that the establishment was more prosperous than any in the south. The mission was not secularized until 1836, when José M. Ramirez was made comisionado, being succeeded by José M. Covarrubias in 1836-7, Francisco Cota in 1837-40, and Miguel Cordero perhaps acting temporarily from October 1840. Except a few inventories and other statistics, there exist no records of events connected with secularization;[1] nor

    sheep $1,469; 343 horses $886; 45 mules $540; 987 fruit trees $987; church $4,000 (48¾x9 varas, walls of adobe, 4 doors, 8 windows, sacristy 9x6, 3 doors, 1 window, tile roof, board ceiling, brick floor); ornaments $6,251, library of 66 volumes $188; total $56,437 (or $46,186 besides church property); debts $5,475; net assets $50,962. St. Pap. Miss., vi. 27-8. Oct., $1,689 paid to Jas Scott. Id., vii. 53. 1837. Jan. 27th, receipts $645, expend. $642. Feb. 6th, Covarrubias' general account, credits $55,619; debits $55,459. Id., vii. 54. Feb. 6th, Covarrubias turns over to his successor property to the value of $44,772 with debts of $5,487. Id., vi. 28. Dec. 31st, receipts for year $49,770, expend. $54,123. Property on hand (except church, etc.) $45,552, and debts $2,715. Id., vi. 30-1. 1838. Dec. 31st, receipts $50,478, expend. $54,754. Inventory $47,362, debt $2,713, credits $1,533. Id., vi. 29, 31. 1839. Monthly salaries, padre $83.34, prefect $41.65, worship $41.65, clerk $25, admin. $50, 2 majordomos $15, $12, watchman $10, servant $10, total $288.64. Id., vi. 32. March, pop. 315. Id., 31. July, Hartnell's inventory. 9,720 cattle, 2,180 sheep, 382 horses, 32 mules, 4 asses, 50 hogs, 796 fan. grain, 448 arr. tallow, 75 arr. lard, 87 hides, 50 arr. wool, 200 arr. iron, $30 soap, 1 bbl. brandy, etc. Pop. 183 souls. Planted 112 fan. grain. Hartnell, Diario, MS., 82, 90. Nov., 2,129 varas of cloth, 40 rebozos, 4 jackets, etc., distrib. among the Ind. St. Pap. Miss., MS., vii. 17. 1840. Jan. 31st, 'administraciones' for a year, receipts $282, expend. $282. Id. Feb. 1st, inventory similar to Hartnell's, except that there are 2,720 (9,720 ?) cattle, and 1,268 fan. of grain. Debts $1,747. Id., 16-20. Debt $2,079. Pico, Pap. Mis., MS., 47-51.

    Statistics of 1804-34, the whole period of the mission annals. Total of baptisms 1,372, of which 566 Ind. adults, 757 Ind. children, 1 and 48 gente de razon; annual average 45. Marriages 409, of which 9 de razon. Deaths 1,271, of which 736 Ind. adults, 519 Ind. children, 3 and 13 de razon; annual average 42; average death rate 7.56 per cent of pop. Largest pop. 770 in 1816. Females generally in excess of males, and children about ⅕ of the pop. Largest no. of cattle 7,300 in 1831 (but increased after 1834); horses 800 in 1816; mules 124 in 1822; sheep 6,000 in 1821; goats 130 in 1818; swine 230 in 1816; all kinds 12,320 animals in 1820. Total yield of wheat 63,250 bushels or 17 fold; barley (for 12 years only) 4,024 bush., 26 fold; maize 39,850 bush., 164 fold; beans 4,340 bush., 27 fold.

  1. Summary of Sta Inés events. 1831-5. Nothing to be noted. 1836.