Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/684

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in 1834 as comisionado, effected the secularization early in 1835; and his successors in the administration were Joaquin Carrillo in 1835-8, José María Valenzuela in 1838-40, and Eugenio Ortega from October of the latter year.

    apparently accomplished. 1836-7. No record except an inventory already given. 1838. June 15th, Carrillo surrenders the estate to José Maria Valenzuela. St. Pap. Miss., MS., viii. 2, 4. 1839. Emigdio Ortega was majordomo de campo under Valenzuela, and Juan Salgado llavero. Pico, Pap. Mis., MS., 49. Visitador Hartnell's inspection was in July. The Ind. were content with their administrator but wished to have a padre, Moreno preferred. At their request Salgado was removed; the killing of wild bulls was authorized, also the slaughter of 300 cattle and purchase of $800 in clothing. The 47 Ind. at Álamos were anxious to keep their lands, and J. A. de la Guerra, the grantee, promised in writing not to molest them. Hartnell, Diario, MS., 2, 3, 23-4, 42. 1840. No record of Hartnell's 2d visit. Oct. 23d, Eugenio Ortega succeeded Valenzuela in the administration. Dept. Rec., MS., xi. 45. Douglas, Journal, MS., 87, speaks of the mission as nearly in ruins, and estimates exports at $2,000.