Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/700

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larization the number of neophytes was gradually reduced to 170 at the end of the decade; and live-stock decreased about 50 per cent in the five years, only

    average 32; average death rate 7.30 per cent. of pop. Largest pop. 852 in 1803. Males in excess to 1798, females later; children ⅓ to ⅛ and even less at last. Largest no. of cattle 8,900 in 1818; horses 1,594 in 1799; mules 340 in 1830; asses 134 in 1817; sheep 11,000 in 1813; goats 515 in 1786; swine 210 in 1788; all kinds 20,820 animals in 1813. Total product of wheat 116,161 bush., yield 11 fold; barley 1,375 bush., 4 fold; maize 26,923 bush., 104 fold; beans 3,595, 22 fold; miscell. grains 3,156 bush., 20 fold.

    Statistics of 1835-40. Feb. 5, 1835, pop. 253. St. Pap., Miss., MS., x. 9. April 28, 1835, P. Abella gave letters of attorney to A. M. Ercilla to collect of U. Sanchez, Mazatlan, $9,390 due the mission. Guerra, Doc., MS., iii. 17. Dec. 13, 1836. Inventory of the estate; buildings, goods, produce, tools, etc. $13,458; live-stock $19,109; fábrica, $5,000, garden $6,858; Sta Margarita rancho $4,039; 9 sitios of land $9,000; church and ornaments $7,257; library and musical instruments $519; credits $5,237 (besides the $9,390 due from Urbano Sanchez as above); total $70,769. Increase over inventory of 1835, $7,657, besides $100 given to troops, $333 debts paid, and $1,285 in cloths etc. to Ind., total gain $9,376. No debt mentioned. St. Pap., Miss., MS., vii. 57-9. Jan. 1837, admin. ordered by Gen. Castro to deliver $1,200 in produce, and there are other similar orders of smaller amounts. Id., 65. March 19th, credits $5,884; debts $776. Id., 57. Jan. 1839, credits $343; debts $2,304; inventory $61,163. Id., 60-3. July 30th, Hartnell's inventory, etc.; pop. 170; 1,684 cattle, 1,200 horses, 2,500 sheep, 16 mules; 157 hides, 53 arr. tallow, 21 arr. lard, 300 arr. iron, 100 arr. wool, 388 fan. grain, etc. Id., 59-60; Hartnell, Diario, MS., 24. Debts to 5 persons $987. Pico, Pap., Mis., MS., 47-51.

    Record of events. 1831. Status under Echeandía's decree of no effect, except that J. B. Alvarado was appointed comisionado, and a comisario apparently chosen. This vol. p. 306-7. 1833. Mules stolen by N. Mexicans. Id., 393. Lat. and long. observed by Douglas. Id., 404. Death of P. Gil. Two neophytes robbed the church and shops, confessing the crime; but during the trial one died and the other escaped. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxvi. 53-6. April, Isidro Ibarra reports to gov. that the N. Mex. sell liquor to the Ind. and insult him. Needs a guard, else he will have to shoot somebody. Id., lxxix. 28-9. 1834. Part of the colony here. This vol. p. 267. S. Luis to be a parish of the 2d class under the reglamento. Id., 384. 1835. Secularization in Oct. by Manuel Jimeno as comisionado, Santiago Moreno being at the same time appointed majordomo, or administrator. St. Pap., Miss., MS., ix. 14-15. 1836. Manuel Trujillo, administrator until Dec. 13th, when Moreno again takes charge (or perhaps Moreno had not accepted the appointment in 1835, Trujillo taking his place). Id., vii. 57, 61, 63. In Sept. the Ind. had trouble with Trujillo and several of them went to Monterey to lay their grievances before the govt in a long memorial written by P. Mercado at S. Antonio and signed by them with crosses on Oct. 5th. The document represented the neophytes as living in slavery, being grossly ill-treated, starved, and overworked, naming several instances where women had died for want of a little atole. Several Ind., however, came from S. Luis to testify that the charges were false; and finally the complainants themselves testified to the same effect. They said they had a very different complaint about some cattle, which the padre advised them to lay before the govt. P. Abella came with them to S. Antonio where P. Mercado wrote out their complaint, as they supposed, and obtained their signatures. They were much surprised to learn the nature of the document they had signed! Carrillo (J.), Doc., MS., 35-6, 39-45 (including the original memorial); Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxxii. 9-27. 1838. Moreno still in charge. Some of Castro's prisoners sent