Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/712

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effected in 1834-5 by Ignacio del Valle as comisionado; and the value of the property when he turned it over to Juan Gonzalez as administrator at the end

    Miss., MS., ix. 71. Nov. 14th, sub-comisario acknowledges draft of Deppe on the mission for $2,266. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. C. & T., MS., iii. 11-12. Nov. 27th gov. orders prompt delivery of 13 blankets for troops. Sta Cruz, Rec., MS., 18. 1835. Inventory of Dec. 1st. Buildings $16,940, furniture, etc., $478, implements, machinery, etc., $2,163, huerta with 1,210 vines and 1,024 fruit-trees $2,173, live-stock at the mission $1,051, id, with tools at the ranchos (Matadero $5,104, Ánimas $1,125, Jano $1,050, Año Nuevo $10,302) $17,581, effects in store-house $3,291, produce $5,176, credits $3,338, total $52,191, debt $4,979, balance $47,212, besides church property as follows: building $8,050, ornaments, bells, cannon, etc., $23,505, library of 152 vols. $386, total $32,142 (another copy makes it $40,191). The live-stock noted above consisted of 3,700 cattle, 500 horses, 2,900 sheep, 18 mules, 10 asses, 28 swine. The chief creditor was Virmond, and the chief debtor the national treasury. The lands 2x11 l. and mostly fit only for grazing are not valued. Sta Cruz Rec., MS., 1-3; St. Pap. Miss., v. 54; vi. 40; Miscel. Hist. Pap., MS., no. 15. A newspaper scrap of unknown origin, often reprinted, makes the total $168,000, and lands $79,000. Property distributed among the Ind. from Aug. 24, 1834, to Dec. 1, 1835, $10,576. St. Pap. Miss., MS., ix. 66-7. December 11th, payment of $300 to Comisionado Valle for his services. Id., 69. April 22, 1837, live-stock 1,000 cattle, 460 horses, 2,000 sheep, 22 mules, 16 asses; 70 fan. grain; credits $3,040, debts $594, to Russ. Amer. Co. and N. Spear. Id., vii. 47-8; Pico, Pap. Mis., MS., 47-51. March 11, 1839, receipts since beginning of 1838, from sale of hides $1,120; expend. for salaries $1,465, besides cattle and horses delivered on order of govt. St. Pap. Miss., MS., ix. 72. Oct. 7th, Hartnell found 70 Ind., 36 cattle, 127 horses, and 1,026 sheep. Diario, MS., 44.

    Statistics of 1791-1834. Total of baptisms 2,466, of which 1,277 Ind. adults, 939 Ind. children, 6 and 244 de razon; annual average 50. Marriages 847, of which 63 de razon. Deaths 2,035, of which 1,359 Ind. adults, 574 Ind. child., 45 and 47 de razon; aunual average 44; average death-rate 10.93 per cent of pop. Largest pop. 644 in 1798. Males always in excess of females; children ⅓ to ⅛. Largest no. of cattle 3,700 in 1828; horses 900 in 1828; mules 92 in 1805; sheep 8,300 in 1826; swine 150 in 1818; all kinds 12,502 animals in 1827. Total product of wheat 69,900 bush., yield 18 fold; barley 13,180 bush., 21 fold; maize 30,500 bush., 146 fold; beans 9,250 bush., 57 fold; miscel. grains 7,600 bush., 28 fold.

    Summary and index of events. 1831. Status under Echeandía's decree not enforced. This vol., p. 306-7. Jan., P. Jimeno reports election of neophyte alcalde and regidores approved by gov. Sta Cruz Rec., MS., 13. 1833. Jimeno succeeded by Real as padre. Duran favors partial secularization. This vol., p. 335. Lat. and long by Douglas. Id., 404. Fortifications to prevent smuggling recommended by Capt. Gonzalez. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 114. 1834. Ignacio del Valle as comisionado took charge on Aug. 24th, appointing Juan Gonzalez majordomo Oct. 31st. St. Pap. Miss., MS., x. 6; ix. 66; Sta Cruz Rec., MS., 12; Valle, Lo Pasado, MS., 9-10. Valle gave to the new pueblo the name Pueblo de Figueroa, which had been ordered by the gov. in Jan., and also gave Spanish surnames to the ex-neophytes. Sta Cruz and Branciforte were to form a parish of the 20 class. St. Pap., Miss., MS., 68, 71; this vol., p. 384. Sept. 15th, the padre, having given up the mission, asks the gov. for house, etc., grain and other supplies for himself and horses, the care of church and wine, Ind. assistants for worship, a division of goods in store, and that the comisionado shall not prejudice Ind. against the padre. Id., x. 6. Oct. 24th, gov. orders com. to settle the mission accounts at once. Sta Cruz Rec., MS., 23. Oct. 31st, gov. approves appt of majordomo at $40 inclusive of rations. Id., 12. Nov., the padre in-