Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/714

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paz José Bolcof took charge this year or the next. The secularization of 1835 was considered more complete than at most other establishments, and the Pueblo de Figueroa, distinct from the villa across the river, came into existence on paper; but I find no indication of real pueblo organization, or that the status of this ex-mission community differed in any respect from that of others.

The population of the villa de Branciforte, given as 150 at the beginning, may be estimated at 250 at the end of the decade, though there are no definite figures for this period. In 1831-5 the villa seems to have elected its own ayuntamiento of alcalde, two regidores, and síndico; though I find nothing to authorize this apparent independence from the civil authorities of Monterey. In 1836-40, however, the subordination to the latter was officially asserted, and an alcalde auxiliar was annually appointed, or a juez de paz after 1839, the popular choice being usually approved by the Monterey ayuntamiento and governor or prefect. The successive municipal chiefs of Branciforte, the list of subordinate officers being incomplete,[1] were

  1. Summary of Branciforte annals. 1831, Alcalde Joaquin Castro. 1832. Alcalde Joaquin Buelna, regidor Manuel Villagrana, jueces de campo Rafael Castro and Francisco Soria. Municipal receipts $36, expend. $26. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., v. 80-1. 1833, Alcalde José Antonio Robles, regidor Juan José Castro, deposed by the alcalde in June but reinstated by the gov. Id., P. & J., v. 40. Munic. receipts with $10 balance from 1832, $43, expend. $42. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iii. 131. Dec. 18th, 24th, elections of town officers for next year. Id., 127-31. 1834. Alcalde José Bolcof; regiilores José María Salazar (?) and José Teran; síndico Rafael Castro, secretary José de los Santos Ávila. Jan. 6th, alcalde's instructions to jueces de campo. Sta Cruz, Arch., MS., 93-4. Jan. 22d, gov. approves alcalde's appointment of a monthly commission of regidor and 4 citizens to visit the ranchos, prevent thefts of horses, and catch runaway neophytes to work on the casas consistoriales. Id., 83. Expenses of the year $40, including a baston de justicia which cost $15. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxviii. 6-7. May 10th, the ayunt had imposed a tax of $1 per vara of thickness on every tree felled and ş1 on every otter skin, for the payment of a teacher and of the secretary. Leg. Rec., MS., ii. 62; St. Pap., M. & C., MS., ii. 237-8. June 12th, Zamorano reports that the civil jurisdiction of Branciforte extends from the ranchos north of Sta Cruz to the rancho of José Amesti, between the summit of the sierra and the shore. Id., 218. June 28th, gov. provisionally fixes the limits of the jurisdiction as the S. F. boundary in the north, the S. Andrés rancho of Joaquin Castro in the south, between the sea and the summit. Id., 220. 1835. Alcalde Alejandro Rodriguez. Síndico Macedonio Lorenzana. Receipts $31, expend. $13. Sta Cruz, Arch., MS., 84. Dec. 28th, gov. tells alcalde that Branciforte, not having the pop. necessary for an ayunt., must be subject to the ayunt. of Mon-