Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/723

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seen, being almost entirely abandoned after 1836. In May 1839, under the new system of prefectures, the ayuntamiento was abolished here as elsewhere, and a justice of the peace was appointed, Francisco Guer-

    St. Pap., Ben., P. & J., MS., vi. 18. The other officers chosen were as follows.

    1836. Alcalde José Joaquin Estudillo, who announces his election Jan. 1st. Ib. Regidores Gregorio Briones and José C. Sanchez. Dwinelle, 62. Sec. Fran. Sanchez; alcalde auxiliar on the frontier Nicolás Higuera. Vallejo, Doc., MS., iii. 181. Other appointments were probably made on the frontier, which Vallejo refused to recognize, being sustained by the dip., which body in July decided that the region north of the bay was subject only to military authority. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., P. & J., MS., iii. 39-41; Leg. Rec., MS., iii. 18-19. This year lots at Yerba Buena were granted by the ayunt. to Wm A. Richardson and Jacob P. Leese. No record of elections for the next year.

    1837. Alcalde Ignacio Martinez, 1st regidor, holding over, probably José C. Sanchez; síndico Blas Angelino, sec. probably Fran. Sanchez, capt. of the port Wm A. Richardson, alcalde auxiliar of Contra Costa Francisco Armijo. Three lots at Yerba Buena granted to John Fuller, Francisco Sanchez, and J. Feil. Dec. 3d, primary election; electors Fran. Guerrero, Fran. de Haro, Vicente Miramontes, Antonio M. Peralta, José Ant. Alviso, Juan Bernal, Leandro Galindo, José C. Bernal, and Domingo Sais; highest vote 29. Final election on Jan. 8, 1838, result as below. Dwinelle, add. 53-4. But according to Halleck, 123, Wm A. Richardson was first elected alcalde, declining to serve.

    1838. Alcalde Fran. de Haro, 2d regidor Domingo Sais, síndico José Rodriguez, sec. perhaps still Sanchez, alcalde aux. at S. Mateo Gregorio Briones. S. Jose Arch., MS., v. 34. Capt. of port, Richardson. Lots at Y. B. granted this year to Fran. Cáceres and Wm Gulnac. Sept., trouble between Leese and Hinckley and Spear, partly on account of disagreement about a lot. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 226-7; xvii. 56. The Ojo de Figueroa near the presidio granted to Apolinario Miranda by Com. Sanchez(?). M. had already a house there. Dwinelle, add. 54-5. Dec. 31st, alcalde sends a sumario for the murder of José Peralta by his relative José Ant. Galindo in Sept. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., v. 280-2; Id., P. & J., MS., vi. 18. Election on Dec. 31st with result as below. Dept. St. Pap., MS., xvii. 56.

    1839. Alcalde Vicente Miramontes (who did not accept or was not approved, Haro continuing to act), regidores Domingo Sais and Tiburcio Vasquez, síndico Fran. Cáceres. In May under the new system the ayunt. ceased to exist, and on the 15th Francisco Guerrero becaine juez de paz by the gov.'s temporary appointment. Id., Mont., iv. 97. Vicente Miramontes juez suplente from July. Id., 103-4; John Fuller síndico from Aug.; Richardson capt. of port; José Ant. Alviso and John Coppinger from July 20th jueces at S. Francisquito and Corte Madera; Ignacio Higuera 'encargado' at Contra Costa till May, when Ignacio Peralta was appointed juez and S. Pablo de Contra Costa was thus formally separated from the jurisdiction of S. F. Estudillo, Doc., MS., i. 257. Lots at Y. B. granted this year to Salv. Vallejo, José Peña, Wm S. Hinckley, and John C. Davis; and on one occasion the gov. was consulted about certain applications for lots. There was some trouble with Cayetano Juarez, who when appointed for some duty in the north declared that the frontera did not belong to the jurisdiction of S. F. The alcalde desired permission to send the prisoner Galindo to S. José for want of a jail and guard. In Feb. Dolores was made the cabecera of the partido, extending from Llagas Creek to Sonoma; but no sub-prefect was appointed at S. F. until after 1840, S. José being made temporarily the cabecera. S. José Arch., MS., ii. 18. April 20th, Haro asks instructions about granting a lot at the mission. Dwinelle, add. 61. May 21st, gov. permits Leese