Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/739

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estate; and he would have established a new mission in the north if the padres would have aided him. Doubtless his policy was a wise one, even if his position as guardian of the Indians in charge of their private property put by them in his care was not recognized by the laws. Moreover, there was a gain rather than a loss in live-stock. Thus the mission community had no real existence after 1836, though Pablo Ayala and Salvador Vallejo were nominally made administrators. The visitador made no innovations in 1839, and apparently none were made in 1840. I suppose there may have been 100 of the ex-neophytes living at Sonoma at the end of the decade, with perhaps 500 more in the region not relapsed into barbarism.

On the secularization of Solano a pueblo was founded at Sonoma in 1835. Besides the fact of the founding, the transfer of the San Francisco military company, the granting of several ranchos in the north, several campaigns against hostile Indians, and a few other matters fully treated elsewhere as indexed and supplemented with minor items in the appended note,[1] very little is really known in details of events and

  1. Summary and index of Sonoma events, etc. 1831. Sta Rosa granted to Rafael Gomez, as a check to the Russians, but never occupied under the grant. Vol. iv., p. 160, this work. 1832. In the instructions of the Mex. govt to Gov. Figueroa the colonization of the northern frontier is urged in view of probable encroachments of Russians and Americans; and a plan of Virmond to found a settlement at Sonoma is mentioned. Figueroa, Instruc., MS., 35-7. 1833 et seq. Figueroa's efforts to effect the settlement of Sta Rosa and Petaluma. Founding and abandonment of Sta Anna y Farías. This vol., p. 246-7, 255-7, 272. Lat. and long. of Solano by Douglas. Id., 404. 1834. Petaluma granted to Vallejo. Arrival of the colony. The governor's alleged Ind. campaign. Id., 256-7, 360.

    1835. Arrest and exile of the colony chiefs in March. Id., 286 et seq. Founding of Sonoma by Vallejo, as comandante and director de colonizacion, at Figueroa's orders. Id., 293-5. An exped. against the northern Ind. from Sonoma. Id., 360. Dec. 3d, Com. Vallejo claims that there is no civil authority as yet and the district is therefore subject to his military rule. Vallejo, Doc., MS., iii. 82. The four leagues of public lands were later confirmed by the land commission to the town on Vallejo's grant of June 24th. Also lots were confirmed to V. under the gov.'s grant of July 5th. Hoffman's Repts.

    1836. Vallejo's campaigns against the Guapos and other hostile Ind.; his treaties of June; his excellent Ind. policy. Vol. iv., p. 70-2. The S. F. presidial company had been transferred the preceding year, except a few men who now came to Sonoma. The officers have already been named in this