Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/745

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cease for the most part in 1832, when the neophyte population had fallen to 1,125, being possibly 800 in 1834, and at the end of the decade about 290 with probably 150 scattered in the district.[1] Down to

    Zacatecanos we have no details; but in Oct. 1835 Virmond at Mex. wrote of his safe arrival at Habana, whence he probably went to Spain.

    Rafael de Jesus Moreno was a Mexican Franciscan of the Guadalupe college, Zacatecas, who came with the others in 1833 and served at Sta Clara until 1839, being also president and vice-prefect of the Zacatecan friars in 1836-8. The fact that he was chosen for so responsible position indicates that he was a man of some ability, but otherwise no information direct or indirect about him appears in any records that I have seen. He died on June 8, 1839, at Mission San José where he had gone for his health a little earlier. Manuel Jimeno wrote at the time that his illness was caused by a fit of anger, and his death by a mercurial potion prescribed by an English doctor. He was buried in San José mission church by P. Gonzalez on the 9th. S. José, Lib. Mis., MS., 29-30.

  1. Sta Clara statistics of 1831-2 (figures for 1833-4 missing). Decrease of pop., 1,226 to 1,125 (800 in 1831 according to Hall and Gleeson); baptisms, 55; marriages, 34; deaths, 155. Increase in large stock, 9,788 to 10,765 (14,230 in 1834); horses and mules, 788 to 765 (1,230 in 1834); sheep, 8,000 to 9,500 (15,000 in 1834). Crops, 4,130 bush. in 1831; 5,580 bush. in 1832.

    Statistics of 1835-40. Mission supplies to the escolta for 7 months to April, 1835, $273. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. C. & T., MS., iii. 89. To S. F. presidio, Jan.-Oct., $493. Arch. Arzob., MS., v. pt ii. 7. 1837. Salary list. Admin. $1,500, teacher $500, majordomo $192, tanner $240, clerk $240, besides expenses of the padre and supplies to the com. of the escolta. St. Pap., Miss., MS., vii. 30-1. 1839. Receipts for year, including balance in Jan., $23,385; expend., $10,607. Id., 20-2. Sept. 2d property available for trade or distribution, 5,620 cattle, 6,500 sheep, 353 horses, 30 swine, 1,686 fan. grain, 1,000 arr. dried meat, 500 arr, wool, 347 arr. tallow, 274 arr. lard, 415 hides, and other articles, no value given. Id., 28-9; also in Hartnell, Diario, MS., 29, where the number of Ind. is given as 291. Debt in March $6,102, credits $3,947. Debt in Sept. $4,428. St. Pap., Miss., MS., vii. 30. The admin. bought of a ship $1,103 worth of goods for the Ind. without permission, for which he was blamed. Id., 33; Hartnell, Diario, MS., 52. 1840. Receipts (not apparently incl. balance of Jan.) $12,537, expend. $2,507. St. Pap., Miss., MS., vii, 23-25. May 15th, inventory of property turned over by Estrada to Alviso, 3,717 cattle, 218 horses, 4,867 sheep, 510 fan. grain, 20 arr. tallow, 20 arr. wool, and other miscel. articles, no value given; debts $3,940. Id., 33-6; Pico, Pap. Mis., MS., 47-51. The chief creditors being Mig. Pedrorena $1,496, J. A. Aguirre $1,379, and Thos Shaw $585.

    Statistics of 1777-1834. Total of baptisms 8,640, of which 4,534 Ind. adults, 3,177 Ind. children, 6 and 923 de razon; annual average 133. Marriages 2,548, of which 182 de razon. Deaths 6,950, of which 4,152 Ind. adults, 2,329 Ind. children, 137 and 332 le razon; annual average 111; average death rate 12.63 per cent of pop. Largest pop. 1,541 (?) in 1795 (1,464 in 1827); males largely in excess of females; children ½ to ⅒. Largest no. of cattle 14,500 in 1828; horses 2,800 in 1811; mules 45 in 1827; sheep 15,500 in 1828; goats 500 in 1786; swine 60 in 1820; all kinds, 30,936 animals in 1828. Total product of wheat 175,800 bush., yield 17 fold; barley 21,270 bush., 32 fold; maize 46,450 bush., 98 fold; beans 5,500 bush., 17 fold; miscel. grains 11,400 bush., 21 fold.

    Summary of events, etc. 1831. Visits of Gov. Victoria. This vol., p. 186-200. Status under Echeandía's decree not enforced. Id., 306-7. Davis, Glimpses, MS., 44, speaks of a slaughter of horses early in this decade. 1832. P. Viader accused of buying smuggled goods. This vol., 365. 1833.