Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/747

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The pueblo of San José de Guadalupe, also called San José de Alvarado after 1836 in honor of the governor, with the ranchos of its jurisdiction, increased in population from 540 at the beginning of the decade to 750 at the end.[1] Both numbers probably included some Indians, and there are no means of determining the proportion of the population living on the ranchos which have been named in this chapter. Municipal affairs continued under the direction of an ayuntamiento of alcalde, two regidores, and a síndico, elected annually until 1839. The successive alcaldes were Mariano Duarte, Ignacio Ceballos, Salvio Pacheco, Pedro Chabolla, Antonio M. Pico, José M. Alviso, Juan Alvires, and Dolores Pacheco. Some details are appended.[2] In 1839 the ayuntamiento

  1. A padron of 1831 shows a pop. of 524. Hall's Hist. S.J., 118; Sta Clara Co. Hist., Atlas, 9; and several newspaper articles. In 1833-4 the census shows 602 souls, of which number, however, 171 were Indians; and it is not unlikely that a like no. in other padrones were Ind., though there is no indication of it. The 602 did not include 7 families who it was thought might belong to S. F. It should also be noticed that several large ranchos of what is now southern Sta Clara Co. were in the Monterey jurisdiction, and not included in these lists. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., P. y J., MS., i. 46. 1836. List of 123 men between the ages of 15 and 50, 7 being foreigners. Vallejo, Doc., MS., xxiii. 22. Feb. 1, 1840, pop. 939. Dept. St. Pap., S. J., MS., vii. 18. 1841, pop. 936. S. José, Padron, MS. This padron seems to include no Indians; but it does include the contra costa inhabitants, about 150 in number. There is some doubt about my figures for 1830 (see vol. ii., p. 602), the pop. of 540 perhaps including Indians.
  2. Municipal government, list of officials, and criminal record of S. José. 1831. Alcalde Mariano Duarte; regidores Leandro Flores, Antonio Rodriguez, and Fernando Félix; síndico José Luis Chabolla, secretary José Reyes Berreyesa, depositario Luis Peralta. Dept. St. Pap., B. M., MS., lxxiii. 14-19. 1832. Alcalde Ignacio Ceballos; regidores (probably Félix or Rodriguez holding over) and Joaquin Higuera. Castro, Doc., MS., i. 8; S. J. Arch., MS., i. 41; ii. 55. Sec. Salvio Pacheco. Dept. St. Pap., S. J., MS., iv. 105. Aug. José el Cantor to be sent to Mont. Sept., the mail of the 22d of each month suspended, leaving that of the 11th. Id., 105-6.

    1833. Alcalde Salvio Pacheco; regidores (Joaquin Higuera) and Máximo Martinez (Sebastian Peralta also called regidor); sec. José Berreyesa, juez de campo Francisco Palomares; Luis Peralta mentioned as juez de paz (?), Antonio M. Pico 'majordomo de propios.' S. J. Arch., v. i.; vi. 10; Dept. St. Pap., S. J., MS., iv. 132, 138. Feb., guardia and jail to be repaired; meanwhile prisoners to be sent to Sta Clara. No one to be allowed to cut down trees in the alameda. March, ayunt. funds to be used for the purchase of powder and lead. Dec. surplus funds (!) to be sent to the govt at Mont. The number of regidores cannot be increased at present. Id., 115-16, 140. Aug., lands del fondo to be given to the most industrious; not to be taken from owners, but the latter must cultivate or rent them. Id., 121; Id., Ben., P. & J., vi. 13. Sept., the ayunt. has no power to compel vagrants to work for the public. Id., 15. Antonio Chabolla to be allowed to cultivate the