Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/749

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ranchos of San Leandro and Las Pulgas in the north, to Laguna Seca in the south, excluding all these ranchos, and from the summit of the Santa Cruz mountains eastward to the tulares. That of the juzgado from 1839 included also in a sense the contra costa ranchos up to Carquines strait, since the juez of that district was auxiliary to him of San José and not of San Francisco. San José was also made temporarily cabecera of the partido, but no sub-prefect was ap-

    survey and lines adopted in Hall's Hist. S. J., 125-32. Munic. receipts and expend., $326. S. J. Arch., loose pap., 59.

    1839. Alcalde José Noriega; regidores Tomás Pacheco and Wm Gulnac, síndico Diego Forbes, sec. José Z. Fernandez, comisario de policía Anastasio Cortés. In accordance with an order of June 15th, the ayunt. dissolved itself on the 18th; and Dolores Pacheco took charge of municipal affairs as juez de paz. Dept. St. Pap., S. J., MS., v. 26; Gomez, Doc., MS., 40. José Z. Fernandez was at the same time appointed juez de paz suplente, and in July Antonio Suñol was appointed síndico, or treasurer of the juzgado, and Pedro Mesa now or earlier was juez de campo. Jan. 29th. Prefect to gov. complains of the citizens who are accustomed to sign a threatening protest against any act of the ayunt. that does not please them, which does great harm. S. J. Arch., MS., iii. 26. March. Record of elections; certain vocales who did not attend were fined $2 each; names of officers and primary electors given; elector de partido, José Fernandez, suplente Salvio Pacheco. Id., vi. 54-6. March 14th. Ayunt. petitions gov. that S. Josè be made cabecera of the partido instead of San Francisco. Action on this matter was postponed; but in Sept. S. José was declared temporarily the cabecera. Dept. St. Pap., MS., iv. 249; Doc. Hist. Cal., MS., i. 398; S. José Arch., MS., ii. 18. April. A soldier arrested and fined by the alcalde. Gen. Vallejo decides that he had no right to do it and the fine need not be paid. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 357. Prefect thinks two jueces de paz needed in town, and another if the contra costa ranchos are added to the jurisdiction. S. J. Arch., MS. iii. 28. Capt. Salvio Pacheco of the civic guard was put under arrest for offensive expressions in a letter to Gen. Vallejo; but at the same time was required to go to Mont. as elector, being obliged to resume his state of arrest on return. Vallejo, Doc., MS., vi. 493. May. Criminal proceedings against an Ind. girl and her accomplice for killing an Ind. at Milpitas. Dept. St. Pap., S. J., vii. 13. Another against José J. Castro for killing Anastasio Cortés in a gambling quarrel. Id., 17. June. Síndico's report of receipts and expend., $134. S. J. Arch., loose pap., MS., 19; for next six mo., receipts $237, expend. $199. Id., 17. July 30th. Police regulations. S. J. Arch., MS., ii. 62.

    1840. Juez de paz Dolores Pacheco, suplente José Z. Fernandez, síndico probably Suñol. In Dept. St. Pap., MS., xvii. 49, is a report of Sec. Fernandez of an election of Dec. 19, 1839, of Antonio M. Pico and Félix Buelna as 1st and 2d alcalde (?). June 14th. Alcalde calls attention to the law that all but owners and servants living on ranchos must belong to the nearest town; therefore proprietors must dismiss all agregados under penalty of a fine of 30 reals. Mont. Arch., MS., ix. 21. March 1st. Síndico's account, expenses $299, receipts in taxes and fines, $343. S. J. Arch., loose pap., 22. May 2d. Juez sends (again?) to gov. the plan and expediente of the town ejidos. S. J. Arch., MS., 36. June 4th. Sends list of foreigners in the jurisdiction. Id., 39. July 4th. Gov. tells the juez of contra costa that he is auxiliary to the juez de partido of S. José. Dept. Rec., xi. 17.