Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/75

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rancheros and pobladores were at least as well off as in earlier Spanish times, the improved market for their produce afforded by the trading fleet counterbalancing the heavy duties that were now exacted. Few if any of these classes seem to have made an effort to do more than support themselves and families; and this, save to the incorrigibly lazy, was an easy task. The lands produced food both for the owners and for the Indian laborers who did most of the work; while the natural increase of their herds furnished hides and tallow more than enough to be bartered with the agents of Hartnell or Gale for groceries, implements, and clothing. So far as the records show, they did not even deem it worth their while to complain of excessive duties and consequent high prices.

For the support of the military establishment and to defray other expenses, the only resources were the duties collected on imports and exports — or the taxes on production, which practically took the place of the latter — the chief source of revenue, but one liable to considerable variation; contributions exacted from the missions as gifts, loans, sales on credit, or special taxes, given by the padres more and more grudgingly as the years passed by; and finally the supplies furnished di-

    came with him to Cal. are paid, and there is much discontent among the others. St. Pap., Sac., MS., xix. 32-4. Complaints heard by Beechey of non-payment of dues, and of excessive duties which greatly increased prices. Beechey's Voy., ii. 10. March 30, 1826, petition of soldiers, alleging that they were getting la racion, nada mas, as in years past, notwithstanding the promises of the govt. Repeated June 7th. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lvii. 13. April 30th, no funds to furnish $400 for the celebration of a great national event. Id., lvii. 14. Hartnell lent the comisaría 264 cattle, which in 1839 had not been repaid. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Com. and Treas., MS., iv. 59. 1827, Feb. 1st, comisario has no funds to supply blankets; great want of money and food; impossible to get a loan. Id., i. 79. Feb. 5th, gov. lends $600 in view of the urgent needs of the soldiers. Dept. Rec., MS., v. 21. July 5th, complaint that S. Blas company do not get their share of supplies. Id., v. 58. Nov. 21st, decree of national govt on a loan, part of which is to go to the relief of California. Sup. Govt St. Pap., MS., xx. 8. 1828, March 3d, troops naked and in great want. Could get no part of their dues. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lxvi. 68. Same date, gov. tells com. gen. that no supplies have been sent from Mexico for a considerable time! Dept. Rec., vi. 7. March 10th, eight soldiers at Monterey granted leave of absence to go and earn their living for 3 months, for want of funds at Monterey. Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lxvi. 24-5.