Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/757

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FINLAYSON-FITCH. 739 Henry Pascoe, L. A. Beardsley, and J. P. Wilkes in Kern Co. , and 2 daugh ters in Or. Bakewfield Gazette. Finley, 1844, a half-breed assistant of La- framboise. Yolo Co. Hist. F. (James), 1848, owner of lots at S.F. F. (John), 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 518). F. (John M.), 1848, of firm F., Johnson, & Co., traders at S.F. v. 680. F. (Richard), 1848, miner from Or., where he still lived in 82. Finley (S.), 184G, Cal. claim of $15 for a rifle (v. 462). Fippard (Chas), 1833, Engl. carpenter from the Catalina, who asked for a carta in 34, and was still at Mont. 35. iii. 409. Fish (Wm), 1834, doubtful name in a Los Ang. list. Fisher, or Norris, 1818, negro of Bouchard s force, who rem. in Cal. There is no definite record of his later career, he being perhaps confounded in such vague allusions as exist with the following, ii. 248, 393. F., or Fisar, 1825, negro from Penn., who came to Sta B. on the Sta Rosa; in 29 at Los Ang., a farmer 35 years old, without religion, but of good conduct, iii. 29; ment. by Coronel, for whom he had worked, in 46-7; and perhaps by Foster in 48-9. It is possi ble, however, that this F. and the preceding were the same. F., 1846, of Cal. Bat., said to have been attacked by Ind. near Los Ang. in- 47. Fremont s Court-martial, 233. F., 1847, mr of the California, v. 576. EVL848,, at Sutter s Fort from the quicksilver mines. Fisher (Adam), 1843, named by Baldridge as a memb. of the Chiles-Walker immig. party. F. (Daniel), 1845, signer of the S. Jose 1 call to foreigners, iv. 599. F. (Daniel), 1847, asst quartermaster in Stockton s Bat. Jan. v. 385. F. (F.), 1839, captain ment. in Larkin s accts as being at Mont. Aug. F. (Herman), 1848, German resid. of Sonoma Co. 73-7. Son. Co. Hist. F. (Joseph K,.), 1846, one of the Mormon col., who rem. in Cal. v. 546. Fisher (Mary Ann), 1846, ditto; died in the faith at Mission S. Jose", v. 546. F. (Thomas M.), 1846, son of Wm, age 4, who settled in Sta Clara Co., married Anna Hanks in 61, and was still living, in 81, near Gilroy, with 5 children. Fisher (Wm), 1845, nat. of Mass, who lived many years at Cape S. Lucas, L. Cal., marrying Liberata Cesena, trading on the coast, possibly visiting Upper Cal. earlier, but apparently coming for the 1st time in 45, when he got a S.F. lot, and is mentioned in Larkin s corresp. iv. 587, 669, 684. It was prob. on this visit that he purchased the Alvires, or Laguna Seca, rancho near S. Jose", for which his heirs were claimants in later years, iii. 712. In 46 he brought his family and settled at Laguna Seca, being also engaged in trade at S. Jose"; it was on his rancho that Fremont encamped, v. 6, 660; in Dec. 46 memb. of council, v. 664, having declined the office of alcalde, v. 662. In 49 he sold his S. Jose" business to Belden, and died in 50. His children were Mary C. wife of D. Murphy, Thos M., Cipriano W. (died), and Uloga Frico(?), as named in Sta Clara Co. Hist. The widow married Geo. H. Ball of N. Y. F. (Wm), 1825, mr of the Recovery, iii. 148. F. (Wm), 1830, at Los Ang. ii. 555. Fishpan (?), (John), 1846, Fauntleroy s dragoons (v. 232, 247). Fisk (Daniel), 1844, deserter from the Warren. Fiske (F.), 1841, mid. on the U.S. -St Louis. Fitch (Henry Delano), 1826, nat. of New Bedford, Mass., b. 1799, who came to Cal. as mr of Virmond s Mex. brig. Maria Ester, iii. 147, 176. In 27 he announced his intention of becoming a Mex. citizen; in 29 was bap tized at S. Diego as Enrique Domingo Fitch; and was married at Valparaiso in July of the same year to Josef a Carrillo, daughter of Don Joaquin of S. Die^o. For an account of his romantic elopement, return, and ecclesiastical trial, see iii. 140-4; ii. 551, 562, 569, 615. In 30-1 he was mr of the Leonor, iii. 49, 147, 383, his home being at S. Diego after his family troubles had been . Sup. GovtSt. Pap. t He had a store at S. afforded some aid moistened powder, etc. to the sureiios in the political quarrels of 37-8. iii. 495, 553; in 39-40 presid. of election and juez de paz. iii. 614, 616-17. In 40 Capt. Fitch went to Hon. as sup. of the California, and at the IsL bought of Peirce & Brewer for 2,500 hides a half-interest in the Morse, which he brought to Cal., renamed her the Ninfa, and made a trip to Mazatlan in