Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/759

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FLINT FLTTGGE. 741 Flint (Amos E.), 1847, Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. (v. 518). F. (Isaac AA 1845, overl. immig. perhaps of the Grigsby-Ide party, who prob. went back east with Clyman in 46. iv. 579; v. 52G. F. (Win), 1S46, doubtful member of the Mormon col. v. 547. Flomboy (John), 1844, half-breed Ind. and over!, immig. of the Stevens party, ace. to Schallenberger and some of the county histories, iv. 445. Flood (John), 1847, Co. A, KY.Vol. (v. 499); at Flores (Amando), 1836, Mex. convict; later one of Murrieta s band. F. (Antonio), 1602, piloto of one of Vizcaino s vessels; died on the voy. i. 98, 104. F. (Bernardo), settler at S.F. 1791-1800. i. 716. F. (Francisco), 1791, surgeon of Malaspina s exped. i. 490. F. (Francisco), soldier at mission S. Jos< 1797-1800. i. 556. F. (Gumesindo), 1834, Mex. capt. and brevet lieut- col, who came as a kind of political exile with the H. P. col. iii. 263. In 35-6 maj. and admin, of S.F. iii. 354, 714-15; in 39-42, having been rein stated in his mil. rank, he was com. of the post at Mont. iii. 671; iv. 33, 652; in 42-6 com. at Sta B. ; in 45 leader in an outbreak of the troops, iv. 541, 641; v. 317, 630. Capt. F. continued to reside at Sta B. until shot and killed in 60. His widow and daughter were still at Sta B. in 78. F. (Hermeue- gildo), killed 1794. i. 454. F. (Isidro), soldier at S. Juan B. before 1800. i. 558. F. (Jose" Bern.), sirviente at Soledad 1791-1800. i. 499. Flores (Jose" Maria), 1842, Mex. capt. in the batallon fijo, who came with Micheltorena as secretary, iv. 289; in 44 named as instructor of the Sta B. defensores (?). iv. 407; but sent to Mex. as comisionado by the gov. to obtain aid. iv. 402, 414, 534, 564, 568. Returning in 45, he remained after Michel- toreua s departure, and was the commissioner sent by Castro to treat with Stockton in Aug. iv. 513; v. 41, 268-9, 280. On the revolt of the Californians in Sept., Flores was made gov. and com. gen. from Oct., in this capacity di- recting all the operations of this final campaign of the war, and linally re treating to Sonora in Jan. 47. See v. 37-8, 309-25, 329-56, 365, 389-410, 563-5. In breaking his parole, Gen. Flores of course committed a most dishon orable act, though much may be said in defence of the general rising against the U.S. In other respects he acted with commendable energy, skill, and pa triotism under difficult circumstances, meriting but little of the ridicule and abuse of which he has been the object. After leaving Cal. he served in the Mex. army, being in 49-50 sub-inspector, and in 51 et seq. com. gen. of the military colonies of the west; visiting Cal. in 50 to bring his family; but I think his wife, a daughter of A. V. Zamorano, did not leave Cal. He was at Mazatlan in 55, and is said to have died there in 66, Los Aug. Co. Hist., 24, though a colonel of the same name was serving in Michoacan in 67 against Maximilian. Flores (Jose* Maria), at S. Jos< 25. ii. 605; in 41, age 48, wife Josefa Se- pulveda, child. Miguel b. 23, Sebastian 31, Carmen 27, Jose" Maria 32, Juan B. 34, Jose" 37, Paula 40, Fernando 41; juez de policia 43. iv. 685; in 46 juez de campo at S.F. v. (US. F. (Jose" Maria), soldier at Sta B. from 1788. F. (Jos Maria), grantee of Liebre rancho 46, also claimant in 53. v. 632. F. (Jose" Miguel), maj. rt S. Gabriel, 1791-6. i. 664. F. (Jose" S.), Mex. con vict 29-34. F. (Lenndro), soldier in S. F. comp. 19-29; regidor at S. Jose" 31. iii. 212, 729; in 41, age 42, wife Romana Martinez, child. Jose" Ant. b. 33, Maria Ant. 16, Maria del Sac. 26, Refugio 34; in 43 juez del campo. iv. 685. F. (M.), 1848, passp. from Hon. F. (Manuel), artilleryman at Sta B. 24. ii. 532. F. (Manuel), in Hidalgo piquete at Mont. 36. F. (Miguel), son of Jose" Maria, at S. Jos6 from 23 to 77, when he gave me his jRecuerdos HisMricos. v. 137. F. (Teodosio), alcalde of S. Jos6 and also of Mont? in 20. ii. 378, 611; at S. Jose" 41, age 52. F. (Victoriano), sirvieute at S.F. 1777. i. 297. Florin (Joseph), 1833, Canadian gardener from Colom bia at Los Ang. 36, 40, age 27, 31, and married, iii. 409. One record puts his arrival in 30. Flugge (Chas W,.), 1841, German of the Bartleson immig. party who went 1st to Or., but came down by land to Cal. before the end of the year. iv. 269, 276, 279. In 42-3 he was employed by Sutter, who had known him before,