Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/778

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760 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. he was retired as an invalido and went to Loreto. His wife was Rosalia Max- imiana Verdugo, married in 76, died 79 at S. Antonio. Gb nnefgen (John A.), 1840, copy of his German passport of 24 made at Los Ang. by Fink 40. Gonzalez, soldier poisoned at Sta B. 1796. i. 670. G. (Alejo Ant.), of the S.D. guard. 1/75. i. 250. G. (Bernardo), settler at S. Jose 1791-1800. i. 716; wife Monica, child. Petra and Antonia. G. (Cirilo), sirv. at Sta Clara 1776. i. 306. G. (Diego), 1781, Span, lieut in com. at Mont. 81-5, and S.F. 85-7; an incompetent officer, of bad conduct, sent to the frontier in 87 and dropped from the rolls in 93. i. 340-2, 466-70, 484, 678; ii. 44. G. (Dionisio), 1842, Mex. capt. of the batallon fijo with Micheltorena. Noth ing is recorded of him in Cal. iv. 289. G. (Felipe), at Brancif. 45, age 24, wife Maria Soria, child Antonio. JG. (Francisco), 1797, Span, friar who served at Sta Cruz and retired in 1805. i. 498, 577; ii. 154-5, 159-60. G. (Francisco), settler at S. Jos6 1791-1800; regidor in 1803. i. 716; ii. 134. G. (Francisco), soldier of S.F. comp. 19-24; also 37-40, perhaps another. G. (Francisco), corp. of the guard at Sta Ine"s 24. ii. 582. G. (Francisco), at Brancif. 28-30, wife Maria Engracia, child. Felipe, Margarita, and Nativi- dad. ii. 627. G. (Fran.), at S. Felipe rancho, Mont., 36, age 30. G. (Fran.), said to have been drowned 44-5. G. (Francisco), Cal. claim of $15,850, 46-7 (v. 462). G. (Jacinto), sindico at Sta B. 28. ii. 572. G. (Jose), soldier of S.F. comp. 23-32. G. (Jos6 Ant.), at Sta Clara 1776. i. 306. Gonzalez (Jose Maria de Jesus), 1833, Mex. friar of the Guadalupe college at Zacatecas, a nat. of Guadalajara, b. in 1803, coming to Cal. with the other Zacatecanos in 33. He served at S. Jos6 mission 33-42, being president and vice-prefect of the northern missions in 38-43. iii. 318, 577, 593, 724; iv. 61, 64, 372, 680. From 43 he served at Sta B. iv. 426, 643. From 46 he was the bishop s vicar, and after the bishop s death the same year was governor of the diocese, v. 565, 634; thus being the chief ecclesiastical authority in Cal. until the coming of Bishop Alemany in 50, and later vicar; president of the Sta B. college of Franciscans 58-72; died at Sta B. in 75, the last sur vivor of the Cal. missionaries, a man respected and beloved by all from the beginning to the end of his career; one of the few Zacatecanos who in ability, missionary zeal, and purity of life were the equals of the Span. Fernandinos. Gonzalez Rubio was his full name. G. (J. M. J.), com. de policia Sta Lie s 35. iii. 291. G. (Juan), at Brancif. 28, wife Eusebia Pinto. G. (Juan), at Brancif. 30. ii. 627; maj. and admin, of Sta Cruz 34-9. iii. 346, 694-5; juez in 42. iv. 663; in 45, age 40, wife Maria Ana Rodriguez, both nat. of Cal., child. Ramona b. 23. Melania 29, Francisca 30, Petra 33, Juana 35, Tomasa 38, Refugia 40, Rosa 36, Pedro 38, Gabriela 42. G. (Juan Jose), soldier in S.F. comp. 23-33; grantee of Pescadero, Sta Cruz, 33. iii. 678. G. (Juan Pablo), officer in Mont, custom-house 27. Gonzalez (Leandro), juez de campo at Sta B. 34; admin, and maj. of the mission 40-3. iii. 657-8; iv. 643; fiis wife was Josefa Guevara, with 4 child, before 37; still at Sta B. 50. G. (Macedonio), Mex. half-breed alferez on the L. Cal. frontier from about 36; a famous Ind. fighter, who took some part with the sureuos in the troubles of 37-40, being once arrested and sent to Sonoma, iii. 549, 606-7; iv. 68-9. In later years he lived in Cal., and was in S. Diego Co. 64, age over 70. G. (Manuel), settler at S. Jos6 and S.F. from 1777; alcalde of S. Jose" 85. v. 297, 312, 350, 478; wife Gertrudis Ace- bedo, child. Francisco, Romualdo, Antonia, in 93. G. (Manuel), settler at Los Ang. 14. ii. 350. G. (Manuel), at Sta B. 37. iii. 657; perhaps still there in 52. G. (Manuel), executed at Mont, for murder 42. iv. 653-4, 686. G. (Mauricio), son of Rafael, appointed guarda of Mont, customs 29, but did not come from Mex. till 40. iii. 136; iv. 31; grantee of Cholam, S. Luis Ob. iv. 655; with Micheltorena in 45. iv. 511. In 77, living at Mont, with his wife, the daughter of Manuel Crespo, he gave me his Memorias, and a col. of Papeles Orir/inales, that had belonged to his father; still living in 85. G. (Miguel), 1825, Mex. capt. of artill., comandante de armas at Mont. 26-8, a bad fellow, if we credit the Californians, often in trouble, and finally sent away in 30. His daughter, Ildefonsa G. de Herrera. was more or less a famous