Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/789

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GUERRA Y NORIEGA GULNAC. 771 most extensive and valuable family archives in Cal. except those of Vallejo. In person, Don Jose" was short and stout, with a flat nose and an ugly face. His intimate friends in their letters were fond of applying nicknames. Gen. Carcaba and the leading friars used such endearing epithets as corcobado, chato maldito, chatoflojo, etc. On account of pride in his wife s family he had a fondness for her name, and was as often called Capt. Noriega as by his proper name; in the case of his sons this became ridiculous affectation. His wife, Maria Antonia Carrillo, died in 43. His 5 sons have been named in this list, being for the most part prominent citizens of good enough abilities and character, yet hardly what a union of the two best families of Cal. should have produced. The daughters, noted for beauty and intelligence, were 4, all of whom eventually married foreigners. Teresa de Jesus, b. 1809, married W. E. P. Hartuell, and still lives in 85, having furnished for my use valuable documents of the family archives and a Narrative of personal recollections. Maria de las Angustias, b. 1815, married Manuel Jimeno Casarin, and later Dr J. D. Ord; and she also is living in 85, her Ocurrencias being one of the best personal narratives in my collection. Ana Maria, b. 20, married Alfred Robinson and died in 55. Maria Antonia, b. 27, married Cesario Lataillade, and later Gaspar Oreiia, a Span, with whom she still lives at Sta B. in 85. Guerrero y Palomares (Francisco), 1834, Mex. who came from Tepic, I thinfcrta the H. & P. colony, at the age of 23. iii. 263; but possibly in 28, as per Soc. Cal. Pion. rolls and Lancey. He perhaps obtained a S.F. mission lot in 36; was elector 37, 39. iii. 705, 590; receptor and admin, of customs from 39 to 44. iii. 700; iv. 98, 375, 431, 483, 670; in 39-41 juez de paz and alcalde, iii. 705-6; iv. 247, 665; grantee of several town lots and the rancho de los Putos. iv. 669, 673, 676, 682. In 42 he was 31 years old, wife Josefa de Haro, age 17, and one child; in 44 grantee of Corral de Tierra rancho; in 45-6 sub-prefect at S.F., being often mentioned in local annals of the north, iv. 667; v. 17, 129, 239, 241, 295, 455, 644, 648; in 49 again sub-prefect. He continued to reside at the mission, where in 51 he was murdered, and where his widow still lived in 80. A street in S.F. bears his name. Don Francisco seems to have been a kind-hearted, genial man, of much intelligence, and good character. G. (Jose" M.), at Los Ang. 46. G. (Jose" Vicente), ditto; sin- dico 41; 2d alcalde 48. v. 626. G. (Joaquin), soldier killed on the Col. 1781. i. 363. G. (Matias), teacher at Mont, about 15. ii. 427; sec. at S. Jose" 24. ii. 605. G. (Pedro), ment. in 29-31. iii. 68-9, 208. Guescote (Fran.), armero of S.F. comp. 42; perhaps Westcot. Guest (John),^1846, passed inid. on U.S. Congress, and act. lieut on the Warren; capt. in Stock ton s bat. v. 350, 386; commodore in 72; d. 79, in com. of Portsmouth navy- yard. Gueval (P.), 1848, passp. from Hon. Guevara (Antonio), in revolt at Sta B. ; sent to Mex. 29-30. iii. 78, 85. G. (Canute), at Sta B. before 37; wife Rafaela Lugo, 3 children. Guibal (Eugene), 1847, Co. I, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); in S. Joaquin 71-5; d. at Gilroy 83. Guilcost (Wm), 1826, mr of the Maria Teresa, iii. 148. Guild (H.M.), 1847, Co. B, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); carpenter at Mont. 48. Guile (Wm), 1847, musician Co. K, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). Guillen (Antonio), guard at S. Diego 1803. ii. 13. G. (Isidoro), son of Eulalia Perez de G., sergt of Sta B. comp., made alf. in 39. iii. 583, 650; juez de paz at S. Jose" 41-3. iv. 684-6. Guillon (Chas F.B.), 1847, asst surg. on the U.S. Columbus. Gui- rado (Bernardino), trader at Los Ang. from 39; supervisor in 58-9. G. (Rafael), 1833, Mex. trader from Sonora, owner and sup. of the Leonidas, who settled at Los Aug., age 32; in 35-6 regidor. iii. 283, 635-6; in 3D clerk at S. Gabriel, iii. 645; owner of S.F. lot in 47. v. 684; coroner in 52; died at Los Ang. in 72. Gulnac (Wm), 1833, nat. of N.Y., who had lived long in L. Cal., and who came on the Volunteer, via Honolulu, with his family, settling at S. Jose", hi.