Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/804

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786 PIONEER REGISTER AND INDEX. 1st wife went east in 37, iv. 101, and died in Mass. 40; his 2d wife was Susana, daughter of Ignacio Martinez, who, after H. s death, married Wm M. Smith in 48. I have 110 record of children. Capt. Hinckley was a handsome, jovial, intelligent man, immensely popular with the natives, somewhat reck less in the use of his tongue when under the influence of liquor. If there was anything he liked better than contraband trade it was probably practical joking. Some of his jokes, like the one of Christinas night at S. Juan in 37, are not exactly adapted to print; and for others space is lacking; but I may note how, in an interview with Gov. Alvaradoon matters of state, he disposed of an over-inquisitive secretary who came in too often to snuff the candle, by filling the snuffers with powder; also how Gen. Vallejo avenged himself for some prank by mounting H. on a bear-hunting horse at Sonoma. The horse made it very lively for the mariner, who returned on foot with tales of en counters with grizzlies not wholly credited by the listeners. Hinds (R. B.), 1837-9, surgeon in Belcher s exped. ; author of Regions of Vegetation, Botany and Zoology of the exped. iv. 143-6. Hinton, see Hoornbeck. Hintz (Herman), 1847, owner of S.F. lot. Hipwood (Thos), 1847, sergt Co. F, N. Y. Vol. v. 504; killed in L. Cal. 48. Hitchcock, 1844, guide of the Stevens immig. party, iv. 475-6. Ace. to Schallenberger he had no family, the boy generally called H., Jr, being Pat terson. Mrs P. of that party with 3 children was apparently H. s daughter. He claimed to have visited Cal. 11 years before, and had possibly been one of Walker s party in 33. H. (Isaac), 1847, Co. F, 3d U. S. artill. (v. 518); in the mines 49; in Salinas Val. 77-80; d. at Sta Rita, from an accident, in 81, at the age of 64. H. (John C.), 1847, Co. E, N. Y. Vol. (v. 499). H. (R. B.), 1845, lieut on the U. S. Savannah. H. (Rufus), 1848, overl. immig., who kept a boarding-house at N.Helv. in 48,-witn son and 2 "daughters; later kept a hotel on the Amer. Riv. and at Green Springs, where H. and wife died of small-pox. One of the daughters, Mrs Lappeus, was in Or. 72; the other dead. Hitt (Calvin), 1848, Co. H, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499); at Winona, Minn., 82. Hoar (John A.), 1843 (?), prob. error in a list of pioneers; in S. F. 54. Hoarde (John), 1833, said to have been a member of Walker s party, iii. 391. Hoban (Chas F.), 1847, nat. of N. Y., from Honolulu on the Com. Shubrick; Brannan s clerk at Mormon Isl. 49; d. S.F. 63, age 43. Hobson (Joseph), 1848, nat. of Md, perhaps came on the Lady Adams from Callao; mem]), of constit. conven. in 49. H. (Wm L.), 1847, from Valparaiso with letters from Atherton; at Hon. as sup. of the Maria Helena; of S. F. guard 49. Hodges (Hiram B.), mr of the Monmouth. Hoen (Francis), 1845, overl. immig. of the Swasey-Todd party, iv. 576, 587; Tor a. time in Sutter s employ; in 46 owner of S.F. lots and candidate for treasurer, v. 295, 684-5; kept a cigar-store; still in S.F. 54. Hoeppner (Andrew), 1844, German long in Russian employ at Si tka, where he married a half-breed wife. The exact date and manner of his coming to Cal. are not known, but he was here in 45. iv. 453. Lived at Yerba Buena and Sonoma 45-9; a musician and man of many accomplishments, besides de feating Yioget in an eating-match, as Davis relates. In 47 he had great ex pectations from his warm springs of Annenthal, near Sonoma, as advertised in the Star. v. 667. Markof visited him in 45 and Sherman in 47. In 48 he was 2d alcalde at Sonoma, v. 668; and is named at N. Helv. on his way to the gold mines. About 49 he left his wife and went to Hon. and Chile, where he is said to have died about 55. V" Hoffheins (Jacob), 1847, Co. B, Morm. Bat. (v. 469). Holfman (Chas), 1847, perhaps of N.Y.Vol. under another name. H. (Geo. W.), 1847, Co. A, N.Y.Vol. (v. 499). H. (Henry). 1847, Co. F, 3d U.S. artill. (v. 528). H. (Henry A.), 1847, ditto; corporal, v. 519. Hof stetter(John JJ, 1847, died at N. Helv.; property sold at auction. Hoit (John), T846, Co. G, Cal. Bat. (v. 358). Holbrook (Washington), 1848, sup. of the Sabine; came back on the Eliz abeth from Hon.; negotiates for lot at S.F. v. 681. Holdaway (Shadrach), 1847, Co. C, Morm. Bat. (v. 469); at Provo. Utah, 82. Holden (Dr), 1848, with Gen. Lane from N. Mex. for Or. ; in S. Diego region Dec. H. (W. S.),