Page:History of California, Volume 3 (Bancroft).djvu/98

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change of base to prevent being cut off — that is, they retreated from Cieneguita as fast as their legs would carry them, and took refuge in the presidio.[1] Solis seems to have come somewhat nearer Santa Bárbara, but we know little in detail respecting what occurred for three days. Echeandía wrote to the minister of war: "On the 13th the rebels came in sight of the divisioncita of government troops, and from that time by their movements and frivolous correspondence endeavored to gain a victory; but knowing the uselessness of their resources and the danger of being cut off on their retreat, they fled precipitately at dusk on the 15th in different directions, spiking their cannon, and losing twenty-six men who have accepted the indulto."[2] The last act of Solis before running away was to announce that his men were ready for a fight, and would never surrender until they got their pay.[3] The rebel chieftain described the events at Santa Bárbara thus: "Having taken a position between the presidio and mission, I found it impossible to enter either one or the other, the first because it was fortified, the second because of the walls pierced with loop-holes for musket-fire, and of all the people within, so that I knew we were going to lose, and this was the motive for not exposing the troops by entering. —— wrote me that the general had ordered Portilla to march with 150 men to surprise us, and seeing myself without means of defence for want of munitions, I determined to spike the cannon, and retire with my army to fortify myself in Monterey — lo que verifiqué al mo-

  1. The retreat is definitely stated only by Ord, Ocurrencias, MS., 29-39; Gonzalez, Experiencias, MS., 27-9; and Pico, Acont., MS., 10-13; but all are good authorities.
  2. Jan. 26, 1830, Echeandía to min. of war. St. Pap., Sac., MS., x. 58. He says the pursuit of the fugitives had to be suspended temporarily at Purísima. A list of 28 soldiers, who at this time surrendered themselves, is given in Dept. St. Pap., Ben. Mil., MS., lxxvi. 23. Jan. 16th, E. announces the surrender of the 26th and his hopes of final success. Some additional correspondence of minor importance, from Jan. 8th to 18th. Dept. Rec., MS., viii. 10. Jan. 13th, Pacheco tells E. that he has gained an advantage over the foe. Id., viii. 85
  3. Jan. 15th, Solis from 'Campo Nacional' to E. Dept. St. Pap., Ben., MS., ii. 4. He was willing, however, to have a conference.