Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/102

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78 YEN WANG. alone, — his followers all scattered or slain. Jwun, however, having tasted the sweets, as well as the cares, of regal life, had no ambition to add to them those of the soldier ; he therefore returned to Kichow. He is but another example of every conquering house in the east. The founder of the house must be a man of extraordinary military and political abilities, his successor must be not an unworthy second ; but^ as a rule, that exhausts the hereditary ability in the direct line. It is difficult to harmonize history and Darwin. Lan * of Dwan, the Commandant of Lingju, died in July, and his successor. Ho, seeing the universal anarchy prevailing throughout the kingdom of Jao, and in the other Chinese neighbouring states, marched southwards to Gwanggoo with his men, and there assumed the rank of Chi Wang, — the an(5ient Shantung kingdom. Some districts of Chinafied Hienbi came under Jwun's power; and one, Jao Gai, after professing to submit to Yen, fled back with 300 families into the country of Jao. Fearing that other Hienbi chieftains might also return to their Chinese homes at the first opportunity, Jwun sent the companies (Boo) from Kwangning and Shanggoo+ to the districts of Hii and Woo, and those of Dai east to Wanchung, removing all temptation for a homeward marcL Sinhing Wang was created Emperor of Jao in his capital of Hianggwo J in the early summer. But while his attention wa«  directed to the ravages by Yen on his north, the gradually growing power of Min, king of Wei, suddenly attacked and took Hianggwo with 100,000 men in it This was in December ; but in the following April, Jao again marched in force against Min in

  • ThiB Lan had sent a present of 10,000 hones, and fagitiye Yiiwim, to Jao

Wang, when the latter was attacking Liaotung. Lan was therefore made Commandant of Lingju, with a ganison of his own Hienbi men tmder him. fShanggoo is said by one authority to be the ancient name of Paotingfoo of the present Ghihli But the Chinese Directory makes Huenhwafoo the ancient Shanggoo, and makes the present Hnenhwa hien to be Gwangning, Woo is Woojoong afterwards, and now the Ttitien hien of Chihli. ±The modem Shwimte foo.