Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/104

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80 TEN WANQ. than formerly; for as this spring found Jao everywhere exhausted, Hianggwo easily fell, after the defeat of an army marching to its relief ; and in it were captured a hundred nobles. The palace was burnt down, and the young " Emperor " taken, with his wives and concubines. They were all beheaded. The &mily of Stone Tiger, who was within sight of the Dragon throne of all China^ was exterminated ; and the whole of the kingdom of Jao was divided between Yen and Wei, each taking what he could Now that Jao kingdom was gone. Yen and Wei became neighboura The advice of his councillors to the king of Wei to be satisfied with his condition, and not meet Yen in battle, only angered him ; and he declared he would not only defeat Yen, but take Yowchow, thus showing that he believed himself able to annex all the lands which had formed the kingdom of Jao to his own. He camped at Ansi of Jingchow, whither Go was pressing upon him. He went to Changshan ; Oo keeping close in his rear, and camping at Weichang hien* of Joongshan. They had meantime engaged ten times; but as both were excellent generals, neither gained any advantage. Go had a considerable advantage over his opponent, inasmuch as his men were all mounted; but the forests which covered the country were in favour of the infantry of Wei. Wei withdrew to the forests whenever Go got to any place where his horse could be employed to advantage ; and Go took the advice of those who urged him not to pursue into the woods, but to patiently wait till this military chess-play gave him a chance opportunity on the open plain. When they at length did get into the level countiy. Go divided his men into three ; two divisions to remain inactive till he, with 5000 horse, drew the entire attention of the enemy, when they would attack, one each flank of Wei, and secure the victoiy. Go himself led the attack, at the head of 5000 capital archers, mounted on horses, which he clad in chain armour.

  • The present Woochi hien was anciently called Weichang; but we hare seen

that Joongshan is now Tingchow.