Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/129

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, YE CAPTURED. 105 They therefore, for the first time in their history in such circumstances, began to retreat : first slowly and orderly ; but the vigorous arm of Dung, with his body of horse, thrust so forcibly at their rear, that the retreat became a rout, and a scene of slaughter ensued such as Yen men had often inflicted but never before endured; for 50,000 men were taken or slain, and as many more deserted. So much for generalship. Ping fled alone on his horse to Ye, which was immediately besieged, and Mung sent a hurried message to summon an immediate large muster of Chin forces; and in response Jien left his capitals, Changan and Loyang,* in charge of garrisons, and marched east with a hundred thousand men. He reached Anyang,*|* in the north of Honan, in seven days. Dung attacked the city of Sindoo ; and five thousand Hienbi rats fled the sinkmg ship, and made for Loongchung. In the city of Ye were the Corean hostages sent when their queen was restored, some years before, and hostages from Shangdang; I in all, with an addition of Fooyii men, about five hundred men, who got a vice-president to head them, and opened the north gate to Mung. When Wei and his officials heard of it^ in the early morning, they fled towards Loongchung, followed by a few thousand men. These gradually dropped of, till at last he had only ten men left. At Fooloo he fell in with a band of robbers much stronger than his own, who attacked the fugitives. <3ao. his former trusty general, was stiU at his side, and fought valiantly with the robbers ; but though he killed several with his own hand, he saw it was impossible to get away. He therefore pinned one robber to the ground, thus drawing around him the whole band, who let fly their arrows at him alone. Wei thus got

  • Loyang was the name of the present District city of Changtsu hien in the south-

east of Shansi ; the characters being different from the Loyang of Kaifnng. fThe Ten Capital, Ye, stood where now stands the District dtj of Linchang, or Linjaog, in the north-east of Honan, bordering Chihli. Anyang is but a nhxai distance to its south-west, and Taiyuen is north-west of where the large city of Ye was. ^Loongaa foo of Shansi.