Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/166

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142 GAOGOWLI. was the result of the three great expeditions against Gaoli by the Swi emperors. Gaoli was not just yet left at peace, however; for even the very next year (614), the Emperor again consulted with his ministers as to the propriety of marching on GaolL For days together not one of them would express an opinion, — ^which was an emphatic way of showing their opinion. That silence ended in the Emperor giving forth the order, " Collect the soldiers of the Empire." Soon after came the news that Li Hoongju had rebelled and declared war against the Emperor. He styled himself Tang Wang, and afterwards became the first Tang Emperor. Rebels in numerous armies of scores of thousands, rose up in all directions; the empire was in the greatest confusion ; and at length the Emperor gave reluctant orders to retain at home the army collected for GaolL The fleet was, however, sent under Hoor to Biaha chung, nearer the sea than Pingyang. In the obstinate battle which took place there, the Gaoli were defeated and the Chinese again marched on Pingyang. King Yuen, in great dread, sent messengers to treat of peace ; and to smooth their way he sent to the Emperor some fugitives, who had fled into his kingdom during the preceding year. The Emperor was delighted to have Yuen on his knees at last He at once agreed to conclude peace, and recalled Hoor. But the latter would not be recalled ; saying to the imperial messenger that the armies at home were scattered all over the country against rebels, and that if he went home now, he would never be permitted to come back again ; that neither glory nor reward had the soldiers gained during their late campaign ; and that as Gaoli was in great straits and Pingyang sure to fall in a few days, better first take the city and then return home. The messenger first ordered him, then pleaded with him to return, but all in vain. He at last said in great anger : " The man is a traitor who does not listen to the orders of his Emperor, and must risk the responsibilily. The messenger then went back alone to court The Emperor brought the first Gaoli messenger into the Ancestral Temple, there to present him to