Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/282

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258 NUJUN. the Yangtsu, over which they reigned for more than a century, when they in their turn were overwhelmed by the Mongol flood, which established the Yuen dynasty over the whole of China, and made a short-lived empire, extending from Japan into Russia. the Long White Mountaiiis. Their Shangldiig or Upper Capital was in Whining f 00. But we find the most contradictory statements as to the site of this Whining f 00. The " Holy wars," which, appears npon the whole to be a trostworthy book, Ijlaces Whining foo 200 or 300 li east of Fetuna (Baidoona). A note to the same states that *' Ninguta is 700 odd li east of Hwangloong foo, and the lands imder its jurisdiction touch those under Whining foo of Corea." " It is on record that a hundred li west of Ninguta is Shaling, where was the upper capital (Shangking) of the Kin ; and east of Ninguta 3 li is the village of Giaro, the birth-place of the present dynasty.*' "Whangloong foo of Liao had jurisdiction of both sides of Hwuntoong Eiver." " Sixty li south-west of Ninguta, on the south (east?) bend of the Hoorha Biver, is the site of an ancient city 30 li in circumference, which had seven gates. The Inner city (citadel) was 5 li in circumference, and had thiee gates, — east, south, and west. The foundations of palaces and royal halls are distinctly traceable, and the site of a Temple of a stone Buddha. Perhaps this is the Shangking or Whining foo of Kin, which was north of ChongbaiBhan, and on the bank of the Hoo Biver. But there is a Whining foo in Chaosien, which might have been the ancient Shangking ; only the renudns of imperial palaces, &c. , would seem to f avoiur the Ninguta city. The natives call this city Ooodachung, the ' Ancient Large city.* ** " Whining foo was originally the Whining chow of the Liao dynasty. Taidsoong of Kin erected his capital here, raising it to a foo dty. It was afterwards called Shangking, with jurisdiction eastwards to Hooligailoo 630 li, westwards to Jaochow 550 li, northwards to Poojrii Loo 700 li, and south-eastwards to Hiipin Loo 1600 li'* "Jaochow was the ancient Chooho dien. It was east of the Hwuntoong Biver; the Kin 'afterwards changing its name to WoohingJ' Heiloong kiang was within, its jurisdiction, and it was over the district city of Shuhing." " Whining hien was originally the Foogo hien of Kin, where Kin Taidsoo made his oaths and vows to heaven before he began his wars against the Liao ; and whence he set out on his first expedition. Within its bounds were Ching ling and Maji-ling Passes, with Boye ding and Yooen ye ding Peaks of Changbaishan with the mountain of Duouhung two; and the rivers Hoo, Swunioong, and LaUiw," "The 'Water Lily Pool' is 80 li south-west of Ninguta, and 20 li west of the Shangking of Kin. It is handed down by tradition that here was the Ghujiang hien of Kin, which city was just beyond the outer walls of the capital" " The present Yoongji chow or Kirin, south-west of the Shangking of Kin, must be in the Circuit of the ancient Htipin Loo." '* Shangking was the first capital of the Kin, who called it Shangking whining foo. When the Kin built a capital in Ten (Peking) they dropped the name Shangking, retaining the foo naitie ; but they soon restored the more honourable title. It was north of Changbaishan, and by the side of the Hoo water. There is now near Ninguta the site of an ancient city in which there were palaces, and which the natives call 'Doongking'— East Capital. After the oiginal capital had cmmbled