Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/400

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370 OOVEBNMEKT. Military. As in civil matters, so in military, there are three chief officers. 1st, Hoolien Dejarvg (Ch. Hiin giang) ; 2nd, Uyung Deja/ng (CL Poogiang) ; 3rd, Hoyung Dejang (Ch. Ginkun) ; who are superior to the Board of War. Each province has a commander for the province, called Biurvgsa, who may be •compared to the Chinese Taotai ; the Oamsa may also hold the office of Biungsa, Each province has an army and strongly fortified camp, or ying, of its own; — Giying is that of the •capital; Goonying, of Choongchung; Lingying, of Giungshang ; denying, of Julia; Doongying or Yuenying, of Gangwan; Haiying, of Hwanghai ; Belying and Giying, of Pingan ; and Hienying, of Hamgiang. There are, besides these, four camps in each of four Prefectural cities; — Soongying, in Kaichung; Chinying,* in Ganghwa ; Swichung, in Hwachung ; Nanchung, in Gwangchow foo. Each province has also a fleet of its own ; the capital having three, — one north and one south of the city. There are, besides, five small fleets in remote stations, as Yichow, Dongtsai, &c. Population. Census. 1 Province. Cities. Cantons. Families (Uoo). SoUiets (Ding). Giunggi Do Choongchung Do Julia Do - Ginngshang Do - Gangwen Do H wanghai Do - Hamgiang Do - Pingan Do 36 54 56 71 26 23 24 42 332 409 652 740 990 202 295 233 440 136,600 244,080 290,550 421,500 93,000 138,000 103,200 293,400 106,573 139,201 206,140 310,440 44,000 153,800 87,170 174,538 3,861 1,720,330 1,221,862 Of the cities, only some are fortified, being unlike China in this respect The Cantons are composed of groups of small

  • Which was taken by the French and American expeditions.