Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/410

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380 THE COREAN LAKOUAQE. That dog bites is translated, d£ gai sa/ram momda, that dog man bites. His ExceUency sat in Court and examined him (the prisoner)— 8adonun damgi amJtsusv, dS90t/rcm, moonvmdi, Exoercy Court sat him examined He who in heart is a man-hater knows not what it is to pity man — Mawm scmaoongusun saramvl hoohiangi a/aniam/nvt. Heart hate men pity not-know. The father dearly loves his child — Avcmi arwnarvZ gvJcki aarangJiandcL Father child dearly loves. He is old and cannot travel — Degha inUgu nungi gil gadi moihandcL He old can road go not ' I have come to meet you — I go along with you — Ife nvl gwahang^ ghapai, Ne wami nervZ madsa ogJunssv/m/me. I come you meet have come. I you together go. Order the smith to do the iron work — Dejimig booUv, tivl ttwoI Toeridu/nisld. Smith order iron work da We oughtto bearwith bad men to seewhetherthey willnotrepent — Matdangi jiongne dioti anv/n aaram dSruZ boni gottighasaupda, Ought bear good-not man him see repent gottijir^mot'haghasaupda'. repent-not The grammatical comparison of Corean with Chinese will, perhaps, be most simply represented in giving a sentence (Ist) in its English, (2nd) in its Chinese, and (3rd) in its Corean construction : — English — This house is not very large. Chinese— This house not very large. Corean — ^This house large very is-not English — Invite a good teacher to teach me (to learn) Corean well