Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/434

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402 GBOGRAPHT. Yisi owo, the present ChingcUu). Yadoo owo, the present Ghingahan. Shata LIANG, the presentJShftngchow. Gaitwdn owo, the present Kaining. Chanonino owo, the present Andoong. Chxnoliako bhak, with thirty-six peaks, west of Fangshan. YusHAir owo, also called Yuliog dao Island, 100 11 in circmnferenoe off the ooaat» east of Mlngchow. SiAOBAi SHAN mountains, a few 11 north of Shwnnhing. GiATE SHAN, with two enormoos caves, 80 11 north of Shandiwen. NiAOLnro, beneath which Is the Droffon Pool, 27 li west of Wunchlng* DsooUNo, 24 11 west of Fonggo. Gduo SHAN, north of Changkl. LwuNSHAN, sonth of Yenyang. Nankiano R., south of Ginohow; springing in Juyishan-^one stream from north of mountain, another from south — enters the Lodoong. v.— WHANGHAI IK)-23 Cities with Magistntea. Diitamt Dutamt from from Jfotftrs Aanm* Andmt Xame, Capital Modtrn Kawu, AmdttUNams, Capttta inli. imU. Moo city. Kun dtia—con. Whangchow Ginan 460 Swingan Swlchow 430 i . — Baichwen Yinchwen 240 FoodHei. Sinchwen Shungchow 460 Haichow Showyang 380 Ginchwen Ginling 200 Yennan Haigow 250 — Tingshan Yoongfung 260 Linff city. Fungchwen Goosnan Siho Giashan 650 440 Sins! Binngun 330 Ohangyuen Ohangtan 620 Sien cUies Wungjin Yooimng Wungchien 480 Wunhwa Sinchow 520 Iioongsi 340 Ghanglien Soongho Kangning Yingli Changming 670 1 . ■— Giaho " 610 Kun eitiei Yoongkang 460 Ftmgshan Nguahing 410 Idchwen 660 Nanyooe Dgaining Yangyooe Nanlmg 630 460 Tooehan Yooechung 230 GiWTOOESHAN, 10 li west of Showtanobhan, 6 li east of Wunhwa, where Tan Jwun was deified. Haichow, on which is the temple of YOd. VL-PINGAX DO-42 Cities with Magistrates. Jfodem Name, Aneient Knme, Distant from Capital imlL Modtrn 2f oMOm Andmt Namt, /Kites! from imU, YincUy Yichow MoocUies Pingyang Andiow Dingchow Loongwan Gichung Anling Dingyooen 1080 650 720 880 FoocUia Giangsie Ningbien Changchung Httenohwen Chungchwen Swocnow Shuohow Yooeshan Changohow Toongchwen Soongyang Ningsal 1300 770 1080 910 710 1020