Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/45

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GOOKG SWU^. 21 that the never-ending strife, war, murder, and pillage by taxgatherer and robber drove many Chinese into voluntary exile before the Han dynasty bound up the wounds of the rent empire; and that some of those found their way not only into Chaosien, but into the Three Hana They were scarcely sufficiently numerous to form a new element in the ethnological character of the people. They were so thoroughly absorbed by the original inhabitants of the land, that the manners, laws, and customs of the people there remained unchanged and markedly distinct from the Chinese. We leap over nearly three centuries, and find the Han dynasty still struggling for life, but reeling on the throna Every man was left to do as he could, and most did as they liked. Jang Wun raised an army of 3000 men at Yowchow and Woohwun in June 187 A.D., to march against Liang Chow. Jang Twun desired to be commander, but was rejected ; the command being given to the Duke of Liaosi. But when it got to Kichow, most of the Woohwun men deserted, and went home ; and Twun, in his anger, joined the old Taishow of Taishan in Shantung, Jang Jii, and was strengthened by the adhesion of the chief of Woohwun. They raised a force with which they marched on Kichow, slew many men, and captured the remaining Woohwun men. Another camp of 10,000 men was located at Feiyoo,* under the Taishows of Yowbeiping f and Liaotung. Jd was proclaimed emperor, and Twun the heavenly general and peace- restoring Wang. For universal peace is sdways to come when the man crying out for peace, like the modem international, crushes to death all rivals. The Han emperor, therefore, appointed Goong Swun, Taishow of Liaotung, giving him the powers of dictator over those regions. He was to march eastwards against Gaogowli, and westwards against Woohwun, his two neighbours, and to behead and destroy as he saw proper. He began his career successfully ; for in November he had Wun beheaded, and defeated 300,000 (!) men who were plundering BohaL He attacked them with fury

  • The present Looloong hien of Yoong ping. f The modem Tsnnhwa.