Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/76

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£2 HIEKBI. of Liaotung, now serving under Kw^i, took many prisoners. Of the captive officials, Kwei made a number officers of his own, after he returned to Jichung. One of them, faithful to the old state of matters, died of grief, showing that the ancient Corea had now adopted Chinese governmental ethics. As soon as the terrible Kwei removed his army westwards to his capital, the Gaogowli men prepared to drive out the new governor ; but Han and Yin successfully resisted every expedition, and at last the Gaoli Eang was compelled to sue for peace. At that time, one Fung was Commandant of Laichow, on the north coast of Shantung. He was fiercely attacked by the Commandant of Tsingchow to the south-west of him ; but as he defended himself with spirit, the assault failed. The two combatants found themselves equally matched, and neither would yield to the other. At last Pung said, with a sigh of grief, "Why, in the present distracted state of the country, should we two fight and make bad worse? He ended his speech by proposing that he should abandon his post, and, for the sake of his country, become an exile. At the head of over 1,000 families, he embarked for Liaotung, and, for patriotism, forsook his country. His original design was to make for Pingchow, which he beUeved to be still Chinese soil. By the way, he came in contact with General Jung Lin, whom he suspected of designs upon him ; and, to prepare against these, he drew up his men in battle order. But before actually beginning the fight, Lin said that they should not suspect, but trust each other; and the result of his speech was that they combined their forces, and went over to Kwei, who gave them a hearty welcome, and offered each an important post in the ooimtry. This they declined, preferring to go further on into Liaotung and break up the unoccupied grounds there. This was perhaps the largest Chinese immigration into Liaotung at that early period, but it was not the only one. In January, 321, Kwei was nominated Doodoo of Towchow and Pingchow, Goong of Liaotung and ShanyiL This was the manner in which the feeble Emperor revenged the defeat and