Page:History of Corea, ancient and modern; with description of manners and customs, language and geography (1879).djvu/85

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DWAN BROKEK UP. 61 Yang also tendered his submission, and was received by Hoo at his tent door, who said to him, Tou were formerly a slave; you are now a free soldier/' Whang was nominated Mooling — "Shaper and Guide"— of Towchow and Prefect of Pingchow. But Jao Wang was jealous of the reputation of Whang. He was now aware of the numbet of his forces, his resources, and the extent of his country. Dwan, the nearest neighbour and relation of Moyoong, was all but annihilated, and Jao Wang saw his way clear to extend his own dominiona His first step was to separate his men from those of Yen Wang, who, however, was aware, long before this step was taken, of the real sentiments of Jao Wang. He, too, had prepared, on his side, for the struggle which he had seen coming. He first of all dismissed all questionable officers. He then asked Commander Qao as to the condition and spirits of the army. Gao replied that the city must be kept to the death ; implying that the city was more reliable than the army. And while internal China was lorded over by misrule, every man's hand against every other, Jao Wang began his march against Yen Wang. This duel, like that of Prussia and Austria after Denmark's defeat^ was not entered upon without careful preparation ; both sides not only straining their own resources, but staving on all hands for allie& Jao Wang's kingdom at that time contained the original kingdom or Empire" of the earliest Chinese. He had seven chow cities — Suchow, Yichow, Tsingchow, Kiichow, Yowchow, Bingchow, and Yoongchow. It extended from the west of Shantung inclusive, and included the southern half of Chihli, and the central portions of Shensi and Shansi. As it was the oldest, it was, as now, also the most wealthy and thickly peopled portion of the empire. It was, therefore, no matter for surprise that when, instead of, as hitherto, supporting the power of Whang and the house of Moyoong, the resources of that populous and wealthy land were to be hurled on the head of the doomed Yen Wang, many of his followers believed it best to make sure of the friendship of the Stone Tiger, rather than encounter the avalanche which was being let loose to