Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/101

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 77 the men to Albany, delivered tliem up to the commanding officer there ; and by this bold and well-executed feat of valor, he saved the vfhole Scotch settlement from a wanton destruc- tion/^ Shortly after the above successful adventure of Col. Harper, McDonald, with a body of two hundred regulars and tories, had concerted a plan for the destruction of the whole Schoharie settlements. This expedition would doubtless have proved successful, had not their intentions been thwarted by the timely exertions of Col. Harper. The fort at Schoharie was commanded by Col. Yrooman, a good man, doubtless, but illy calculated for the performance of the arduous duties devolving upon him as commandant. They saw the enemy wantonly laying waste the settlement, destroy- ing everything on which they could lay their hands. The garrisons, from their reduced condition, could spare no men from the forts to protect the inhabitants, or secure their crops. Tl'Tiat shall he done? says Col. Harper. Oh, nothing at all," says Col. Yrooman, ive he so weak ice cannot do any- thing.^' It was however resolved that a messenger must be sent to Albany for succor, and Col. Harper volunteered his services, and mounting a fleet horse was soon far on his way toward the place of destination. After travelling about five miles, he concluded to put up for the night at a tavern, and having finished his supper, he retired to an upper room, fas- tening the door behind him. During the night a party of tories arrived at the tavern, Vfhose object it was to secure the person of Harper, whose mission they rigKtly conjectured, and thinking to thereby pre- vent the news of the invasion of the settlement by McDonald, reaching Albany. The landlord stoutly protested against their disturbing the repose of his guest, but all to no purpose. They ascended the stairs, and finding the door Vv^as fastened, of the room into which Harper had retired, knocked loudly^ 7=^