Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/132

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108 HISTORY OF ened to sustain him, lie soon became exhausted, and was obliged to yield.* After some time spent in plundering the different encamp- ments of all articles of value, including the maple-sugar, the different parties reassembled with their prisoners, when Brant approached Harper in a menacing attitude, and fixing his eagle eye upon him, demanded, "Are there any troops in the forts at Schoharie? Harper perceived in a moment, that his reply would procure their instant death or save their lives ; for, if he should say " No,'^ which would have been the truth, the Indians would have instantly killed them all, and then proceeded to the settlements at old Schoharie and cut them all

  • I copied the following inscriptions from the stones in Harpersfield

burying-ground : — " Sacred to the memory of Thomas and John Hendry, who were sacrificed by the Tory party, April 8th, ITSO, for the crime called Democracy. "When the British and Tories o'er this land bore the sway, A less cruel Indian my body did slay. " Thomas Hendry." On the same stone : — " When my brother was murdered I was standing by, But in Quebec prison I was doomed to die. " John Hendry." Another : — " In memory of Mr. James Hendry, who was killed by the Indians and Tories, April 8th, 1780, in the 35th year of his age. "While British tyranny o'erspread the land, I was slain by cruel hands."