Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/171

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 147 Caroline/ (?) married Judali Bartlett, and had two children, Sluman (Deacon Bartlett) and Caroline. The following are the names of the children of Judge W., viz : Caroline, Sluman, John, Simon, Sally, Betsey, Chandler and Nathaniel, (elder,) — of all these, Sluman and Nathaniel alone survive — both reside in Sidney. Sluman settled in Franklin, and it is believed once resided where Mr. Abner Loveland now lives. A large willow tree standing in the street near the house, and from which the limbs have been cut within a few years past, grew from a cane which he walked home with from Philadelphia, after going down the river" upon a raft in the spring, and stuck into the ground after his return ! When a small boy, he used to be sent on horseback to Harpersfield, if not to Schoharie, " to mill" with grain and for provisions. Wolves were numerous, and used to render night hideous and often frightful, by their howling, especially to the lone residents of the forest, and those so unfortunate as to be obliged to encamp, or remain in the woods at night, as was no uncommon occurrence when upon long journeys; it being impossible to advance or recede without danger of losing the way, owing to the slight trail or paths. Like his father, his life has been marked by vicissitudes of fortune, and notwithstanding he has attained to nearly four- score years, and his head has already blossomed, yea, that he is fast ripening for the grave, neither these nor the condition of infirm health from the ravages of a wasting and painful disease, can conceal the fact that in his organization he has been a noble specimen of a man — one who with only ordinary advantages of education would be a leader in society, and leave his impress upon the age in which he lived. The first wife of Judge Wattles was a native of Lebanon, Connecticut; her maiden name was McCall. She was the cousin of Ephraim McCall, the father of the present deacons,