Page:History of Delaware County (1856).djvu/183

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DELAWARE COUNTY. 159 very closeljj contrary to the custom of other lodges^ who usually wore it rather long. The ' Croppy Lodge/ together with our hero^ assembled at the appointed hour^ and in due form fastened the doors; when, professing the utmost solemnity, as members of that ancient and venerable fraternity, the meeting was opened. After the preliminary forms were over. Tanner was called for- ward and several questions propounded to him, in relation to his obligations to the society of which he was about to be hon- ored with a membership. His answers being satisfactory, a vote was taken of the members, which was unanimous, that he be admitted after passing through the rites and ceremonies required of all the members at their initiation, and which they then proceeded to administer. Poor Tanner was requested to strip himself stark-naked, and march around the altar in the centre of the room, accom- panied by vocal music from the members and the mystic signs of the order. And lastly, a hot gridiron, which was in readi- ness for the purpose, was brought into the room, with which he was branded. These ceremonies over, the W. Master of the lodge declared the brother a free and accepted mason. Whether Tanner suspected any imposition at the time is unknown, but it was said he never betrayed any distrust to his tormentors during the whole performance, and that at its close they had a most jolly time, drinking each other's health and beautifying the glories of masonry, in which Tanner took the lead. Thus the matter ended for the evening. " A few days subsequent to the above occurrence, (during which Tanner had discovered the cheat which had been prac- tised upon him,) Elnathan Groodrich, who had been one of the party at the initiation, meeting with his new brother, cordially reached out his hand, saying, ' How do you do, hrotlicr Croppy ?^ This was too much for the already excited school- master to brook, and he immediately sent a challenge to Good-